

Recently built an arduinoboy using MEOW's kit (,) which relies on either the GB link cable or a 9v with a voltage regulator to power it. Long story short, it seems as though it was working (except for 2 LEDs being dead and possibly a problem with MIDI,) but I didn't have a link cable to test it out. Got a link cable, soldered the wires to the leads (including the gb 5v power) and the gameboy wouldn't turn on. I'm positive I soldered the correct pin from the 5v and ground to the arduinoboy, I took a look at it multiple times to be sure. So, gameboy wouldn't start, and arduinoboy wouldn't start. I put the 9v back in to see what the damage was, and the arduinoboy will not start anymore. Also noticed the voltage regulator gets extremely hot very fast now. So I know that's dead, but I also know that isn't needed if powering the arduinoboy via link cable. I guess my question is, is there any way to test my ATMEGA with a multimeter (I don't actually have an arduino, this kit only used the ATMEGA,) because I'm afraid I may have killed it.


If you've ever accidentally connected the 9V to anything other than the input pin of the voltage regulator, you're toast.


I didn't do that, voltage regulator was there in the correct place while the 9v was in place, and I didn't think that the 5v from the gameboy would kill it...but I do think it is strange that the gameboy won't power up with the power and ground connected