DataFix wrote:Eh, it kinda was rushed a bit honestly. My cart got full and i never got the money to get another one. That's why i put the donations part. There was only so much i could do left due to saves and such. Hahaha. But thanks Jake. 
chip musician / student problems. I feels ya.
Heck I make music with a $3 app for a phone that my patents have me as a birthday gift! I'm broke, especially with a girlfriend! (I happen to know you have one, creepy!)
Trust me
Girlfriend > Gameboy
But, I still would recommend a DMG. I got a sweet original DMG at a vintage stock (you may have the same store in your area under the name BAM or movie trading co.) for $15 American dollars! AMERICAN DOLLARS!!! A color runs twice that! I suggest snagging the DMG cheap, and getting it modded later. (Imma nanolooper, I don't use LSDJ, but from my understanding an un-modded DMG can't run LSDJ)
I think an advance or sp is a lateral step when it comes to sound
Another cool idea I want to try is gameboy player for GameCube! I have one and I want to try Nanoloop one on it, but I am still learning it.
Anyway... Back to the release!
Last edited by Jake Allison (Sep 27, 2012 6:16 am)