
Would you like it if chipmusic was suddenly discovered by the mainstream? Personally, I'm all for new people getting interested in the movement, but I'm afraid of the industry trying to "domesticate" it for the average consumer.

What are your thoughts?



walter b. gentle wrote:


Los Angeles, CA

more variety always breeds innovation! I'm excited to see what new forms of amazing spring up as the community grows. that's an often overlooked upside to exposure. I like to think of it as a bell curve. as the area under the curve grows, the mediocrity increases but so do those damned interesting outliers!

Abandoned on Fire

It'd be great.  The whole "selling out" concept is a myth.  Artists can only hold themselves responsible.

Brunswick, GA USA

Isn't this "musings on a train" again?


I am all for the spread of chip music.  I love it so much and share it with everyone I'm around.  I'm glad it's getting bigger, and I've never been disappointed with it's growth.  When you say "mainstream" it scares me, though.  Not because I am against everything mainstream, but because, in my general experience, when something starts to try to meet the needs of the whole of society, my needs are almost always neglected. 

That said, chip music doesn't only affect American society.  So, if it were to go mainstream, there would still be fun sub-cultures of chip musicians and engineers doing what they love to do.  Most people who make things, regardless of if it's music, software, or hardware, do it because they love this scene and not for profit.  I don't really feel that this particular group of people can be marketed and controlled.  So I guess I'm not too worried over all.


it won't happen. our chance has come and passed

david e. sugar blew it

for all of us

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Last edited by ant1 (Nov 15, 2012 5:02 am)

Tulsa, OK

I don't care, I say if it comes it won't be incorporated in ways we'd expect it to.

Just listen to the Circus records style producers now: brown & gammon and doctor p undeniably have big chip influence.

Let it peak, and keep on doing it like we are doing it, the world goes on


if chipmusic ever were to get big "popular representation" it would likely be just some crystal castles type thing where a producer with a big marketing team takes CHIP SOUNDZ VST for its "so artsy and underground" appeal. I mean, I Fight Dragons is off of Atlantic even after sell-out tours and Guch haven't had any label support despite their buzz, huge touring and completely marketable selves, so I feel like if *those guys* can't do it from the bottom up who can?

I don't think it's a problem though, I just think that music business has changed. And I much prefer the current state rather than some fake hyped up corporate feeding ground bullshit. DIY till I DIE.

Last edited by BR1GHT PR1MATE (Nov 15, 2012 4:58 am)


i fight dragons are terrible though smile

and they did manage to get a song on a wrestling PPV so they have done ok for themselves

edit: speaking of IFD that's what "chip" will sound like if it goes mainstream

Last edited by ant1 (Nov 15, 2012 5:11 am)

Abandoned on Fire

IFD is a mainstream rock band grabbing some chip as a gimmick.
Chip artists becoming well known and listened to enough to be considered mainstream is something different altogether.


you can dislike IFD for whatever reason, but they were fairly involved in the scene for quite a while and have solid knowledge of what they are doing, which is far beyond what the likes of crystal castles or timbaland or riff raff or whatever other chiptune appropriators have invested, so I completely disagree.

listen: almost all of chip music is gimmicky. we are using videogame systems to write music with. its a gimmick. even calling it "chip music" rather than "lo fi house" or "electro rock" or whatever the actual genre of the music might be is gimmicky. all our shirts emblazoned with gameboys and Ataris? gimmicky. that's fine. the REAL theft isn't going to be the gimmick, it's going to be a new, well funded label artist appropriating the appearance of "this cool new chiptune scene" behind him or her to hide the corporate strings, much like a Lana Del Ray pretending at indie or a Skrillex pretending at dubstep.

Abandoned on Fire

Appropriation will/is/has already happened.  No sense even wasting your time thinking about that.

"chip going mainstream" is when it gets popular enough to be mixed in with all the other media we are subjected to every day.  And by "it" I mean the music we all recognize as being good chipmusic.  Not a Reznor soundtrack or stale techno.

Abandoned on Fire

P.S.  ifd should know better, shame on them for being crappy  wink

Joliette, QC, Canada
ant1 wrote:

it's far better to have the people you respect respect you back, i think, than to have millions of anonymous nameless "fans" misinterpreting your vision and stealing your singles (they won't even bother with albums!! not even with EPs!!) from piratebay.

you might realise you are an idol to millions of racist sports fans and shoot yourself in the head or something

J'aime ton bouquetin monsieur Barthelet !!! tongue

btw I never really replied to one of these thread but this is how I feel about this !!!
imo I think it's not a matters of staying underground or being matter what you do, just stay true to yourself and do what you want !!! If chipmusic becomes mainstream...........fine i'll deal with that ! ...I will just wait till it will become hasbeen and see who's the mighty warriors that are still in the scene rockin' like there is no tomorrow !!! wink