new jersey

I want to build a power supply (something like … ar-Pedals/ probably) and I can't find any info about the inner or outer dimensions of the power jacks for Gameboys. Gameboy classic is the most important info to me but if anyone has dimensions for other members of the family that'd be great too.

Thanks y'all.

matt's mind

you need a caliper, or multimeter.   if you're talking about measuring for the entire part (housing and all) to fit into some sort of case.  i might be missing your point though...

new jersey

No no you got it with your first guess! I tried getting a grip with some digital calipers but I couldn't manage to get a read on the interior of the plug or the pin of the jack. The only alternative I can come up with is to buy a couple different plugs with the same outer diameter and hope for a fit.

I am hoping the measurements might be info that someone has lying around.

matt's mind

most calipers have a part for measuring the inner dimensions (2), and the other side is for measuring outer dimensions (1)

also, on the end there is usually a depth measuring tool as well (3)

** numbers in () refer to this pic **

my caliper is the #1 thing i use.

new jersey

I think you might be remembering the jack being bigger than it actually is. There is no way to get '2' side of the caliper in the barrel or the '1' side around the pin inside the Gameboy. That's the number I'm looking for.

matt's mind

measure the plug itself then, not the jack.

you can for sure measure these two things with this tool.  maybe not the tiny protrusion inside the plug itself, just measure the hole in the end of the plug instead.

matt's mind

i'd do it myself real quick but my caliper isn't with me atm

new jersey

The problem is that the two ends of the caliper (while tapered) don't disappear when you have it set at zero. I couldn't get them inside the barrel. And to make the operation a bit more difficult, there is a taper to the inside of the barrel so even if you manage to get the tiniest bit of the tip inside, you're measuring some point along that taper.

Again, if this isn't information that people have, I'll conduct my own investigation. I mean I think it would be pretty useful. Everyone could buy the cheapest 6v (or 5v) wall wart from digikey instead of being limited to Gameboy branded stuff.

Freiburg, Germany

Why don't you put something in the hole that keeps its shape (putty or something) and measure that once you took it back out? ... also I think it's a standard plug. All universal power supplies that I've seen come with one piece that fits the original Game Boy (Game Boy Color is an entirely different story though). There must be a data sheet for this somewhere.