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just the beginning... (LSDJ) (re-up) / Music / tacticalbread's music / just the beginning... (LSDJ) (re-up)

just the beginning... (LSDJ) (re-up)

By tacticalbread on May 7, 2010 3:10 am

Fixed the out of key arpeggios, changed up the melody a bit, got rid of the keychange, and probably some other things I forgot, lol. CC again please big_smile

This submission is licensed by author under CC Attribution Noncommercial No Derivative Works (BY-NC-ND)

Member has requested constructive criticism

sweet , but teh noise channel is kinda very repetitivee and loud // << HAHAH I ALWAYS HAVE TEH SAME PROBLEM : D
and fix that part @ 3:25 !

ahh yea and make it shorterr like 3 mins

this waz some CC : D


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