631 UBI035 C-jeff - Preschtale
by C-jeff
632 [bytedoll] New CD - Yerzmyey, 4mat, Saitone, yukkerom, MARU303 & more
by datamnesia
633 A floppy release
by dualitymicro
634 C&S SR - 8-20-17
by tempsoundsolutions
635 Bleeds - METROPOLIS
by mikebleeds
636 Tonight We Launch - 2NIGHT 2LAUNCH
by jerkemy
637 My chiptune/8 Bit Doom (game series) tribute album
by 8Bit Shocker
638 secret-butt/darrybooper
by darrybooper
639 Enders Crusade - Old Pony, New Tricks (EP)
by Enders Crusade
640 Aster and Ivy // Southern Dreamer (DEMO)
by Aster and Ivy
641 Vault Kid - Horizon [1xLSDJ]
by Vault Kid
642 Vault Kid - Tetris (Drum and Bass Remix) 1xLSDJ
by Vault Kid
643 Little Sound Assembly 2017 Compilation
by Hypnogram
644 Galaxy Burst - Pika
by GalaxyBurst
645 New unexpected bowtie LSDJ album - 'liberal exodus'
by unexpectedbowtie
by 9-Heart
647 Pixelart war game - Demo available (John Mambo)
by NNR77
648 A new chiptune - fusion release
by dualitymicro
650 ModTomIT - Chaos Algorithms
by ModTomIT
by tempsoundsolutions
653 Little-Sound Orchestra new bandcamp
by son of a bit!
654 Class Apples by 8 Bit Weapon
by 8bitweapon
655 music to play (games) in your head
by izioq
656 III: The Mossy Album by cetera [PTE069]
by ptesquad
658 Business Pastel - Self-Titled (LP)
by business pastel
659 New Radiograffiti 7" - misery.dev - select
by TSC
660 Tronimal - Kein Blut [Game Boy Camera / Music Video]
by Tronimal