It seems a bit of a shitty road to be causing all this drama
NotYourPersonalArmy wrote:wondering why he wouldn't agree to change the name(which is Ashley street name)
Sycamore Drive + Rhondda Valley (from facebook) = oh hai
Oh my god they live near me bahahahah
Google: "Did you mean: citrix ?"
Citrix. F*cking Citrix Systems. Balls. (even tho I have friends which swear by their technology)
Last edited by cTrix (May 12, 2011 5:55 pm)
Not many people know this, but I was born John Rhys Aerosmith.
Not many people know this, but I was born John Rhys Aerosmith.
Did you mail yourself your birth certificate?
I'm a little too fortunate, if you Google "auxcide" you can find my entire internet life.
Also: oxide.
Google: "Did you mean: citrix ?"
Citrix. F*cking Citrix Systems. Balls. (even tho I have friends which swear by their technology)
The amount of times I've been duped by "citrix" when googling/youtubing you. Whatever it is I hope it slips in a bath and breaks an arm
There are a lot of names on here I would never want to look up on Google. *Coughgodinpantscough* (actually I want to look that up now)
Edit: shockingly no god heads on penises. . .
Last edited by Auxcide (Apr 24, 2012 11:31 pm)
No ones going to use my main name so i just googled square 0ne instead.
kind of awkward how a lot of my new songs use japanese "vocals"
`',i should really change my name`',