Nintendocore is dying down with only a few artists left that includes Rawesome, Protoflight, Rascovok, IWWFD and a few others.
Pretty much nintendocore made me transition to my post hardcore scene to the chip scene.
I really don't see any discussion on here that talks about nintendocore artists and they're actually pretty good in my opinion.
Another thing I want to point out is that why does pretty much all previous nintendocore artists transition to ambient?
I really have no clue.
Monomate died down and started making ambient, as well as Erick 5 (from 100DR), and Rawesome.
All thats left in nintendocore is the pokemon split that is preparing to finish in 2014 or 2015 and at that time everyone would probably stop making nintendocore and that's when it would probably die for good.
I run into a few people who like the genre and some people who don't so...
Everyone has their different views on nintendocore so I would like to hear them.