pixls wrote:realistically android tablets don't have the optimization you'd want for real music production, not to mention the atrocious lack of apps, if you actually want to do serious music production on a tablet the only real option is an iPad.
this, unfortunately. i would love to have cheaper/competing/not fucking apple music tablet options, but for some wacky reason, android processes sound files in a way that makes it impossible NOT to lag, and google is completely ignoring developers begging them to change it. so until thats fixed, android is a music wasteland (much like G+)
that said... the iPad fucking RULES and the music production possibilities are huge. anybody that says otherwise doesnt know what they are talking about and i dont mind saying that. it will likely never "replace" classic DAW stuff and clearly it wont do exactly the same things as a PC, but the synth apps out there right now are completely UN REAL for the price you pay. think of a badass polysynth built by Moog with multitouch wave-form sound control and high-quality onboard sampling and effects, linked through muti-app routing to an MPC interface with gigs of samples, controlled by a MIDI arpeggiator then AGAIN routed to a monome / jazzmutant-style controller. and you can just swipe through all of them instantly. then record it all using your onboard DAW, mix it in there and then its got cloud-based publishing so you just drop it on soundcloud... and all that cost you like a few bucks.