I just got done modding my MGB, and it looks a tiny bit weird, maybe even childish (I would post a picture, but I only have a film camera). It's the stock blue, with lime green buttons and a green backlight. I'd love to see your weird/interesting gameboys!
I feel like this is covered well enough in the previously mentioned "Post your gig/home setup" thread. I'm closing this thread but if you disagree and feel you can convince me of the merit of this thread as a separate entity then please PM me.
Got a PM from a member who wanted to contribute to this thread. Had a good enough reason that this thread deserved to stand on it's own, so it's been re-opened.
Renamed to the "Customized gear thread" (just so we don't see heaps of threads each dedicated to a single console).
So show off your customized handhelds, consoles, drum machines, whatever!
Woohoo!!! Thanks man. Let's start with one of my old gameboys finally complete with backlight and a prosound mod. Originally was going to put the prosound mod in the typical spot then decided against it. I like it where it is better.
I like the prosound placement... My MGB is internally prosounded, but I kinda want to give it an 1/8 prosound. I don't think it will fit in the 'typical' spot, but this might work.
Vex wrote:Woohoo!!! Thanks man. Let's start with one of my old gameboys finally complete with backlight and a prosound mod. Originally was going to put the prosound mod in the typical spot then decided against it. I like it where it is better.
I like the prosound placement... My MGB is internally prosounded, but I kinda want to give it an 1/8 prosound. I don't think it will fit in the 'typical' spot, but this might work.
There's a good place on the back of gameboy pockets next to the batteries on the back but it makes it hard to place flat in a table.
There's a good place on the back of gameboy pockets next to the batteries on the back but it makes it hard to place flat in a table.
That's why I didn't do it, I wanted it to lay flat on a table. I might just keep it internally prosounded though.
Vex wrote:There's a good place on the back of gameboy pockets next to the batteries on the back but it makes it hard to place flat in a table.
That's why I didn't do it, I wanted it to lay flat on a table. I might just keep it internally prosounded though.
Gotcha I've should've known that lol. I've seen a few people put them on the side the bottom left corner. Close to the "typical" place just on the side.
Gameboy in one of kitsch's new cases, with an EL backlight. ASM Retro prosound board, plus 2x 1/4" outs.
Original buttons because I think it's classy.
Note that the screen can't really be removed without taking the whole thing apart, because the backlight is plugged into the inverter board which is stored under the CPU above the battery compartment.
awesome! i've been wondering when the 1/4" mods would start with these...
what type jack is that, in case others are wondering about what will fit?
and the buttons do look classy.
The jacks are this: http://www.mouser.com/ProductDetail/Neu … pf%2FHz2Yq
I'm not sure if anybody else has done a dual 1/4" mod - I haven't seen one around anyway. It's a bit of a hassle, but I managed to get it going on the first try after not doing any game boy work for like 3 months, I'm feeling pretty good about it.
The last time I did one was in a normal case, and the difference with the new cases is SUPER AWESOME. It seems like you managed to squeeze in a little extra space all around somehow? I don't know if that's true, but it feels like it just closed up a little better. I may have also done a better job conserving, who knows.
Anyway, if anyone wants to replicate this, let me know and I'll be glad to share some pointers.
Last edited by kineticturtle (Jun 12, 2012 8:17 pm)
yeah, there is space all around. you can't extend the max outer dimensions beyond what they were to begin with, or you run into issues with being able to reach the contrast/volume pots, power switch, etc... but, within these outer bounds you can do a whole lot. (well, keeping it all 'square' and not making rounded bulges, like the MegaDuck console's case)
the future revision of the case will have the battery compartment totally ditched in favor of empty space and 4 pcb stand-offs. for more elaborate mods. you loose the batteries (unless you add a recharge pack or something), but still have AC. and tons of space.
without changing the pcbs themselves, there is a limit to what you can do with approaching a new case. but, who says redoing the pcbs isn't something worth doing, right