Simply gorgeous. It looks a hell of a lot better than my gameboy, mine's held together with duct tape and zip ties.
thanks for all your awesome comments! i'm relieved to see such a consensus in the responses, that tells me that i'm heading in the right direction.
i'd like to hear from someone who has more of experience with internal lighting. any tips or anecdotes related to internal lighting that i should be aware of? (i.e. how many is too many; are there locations that are terrible for placing lights, that sort of thing.)
I have some diffuse white LEDs that i might try to distribute throughout the interior. I've also been reading about electroluminescent cable as an option. any other lighting solutions i should consider? hopefully the frosted casing will keep interior light sources appropriately blurred and not too garish... i could be wrong though.
get the backlit start and select buttons
i'm considering it! kitsch's RGBss kit is looking pretty slick. my only reservation is that the backlit start/select buttons that i've seen in a lot of other pictures seem to be quite blinding.
i'm considering it! kitsch's RGBss kit is looking pretty slick. my only reservation is that the backlit start/select buttons that i've seen in a lot of other pictures seem to be quite blinding.
Maybe a resistor could be put in place to dim it down a bit, but I wouldn't know what kind.
This would make me consider giving up one of my sp's.
Just found it on reddit, did you post this or not? ted_clear/
EDIT: Just read the reddit username, so I'm guessing yes. I was just suprised that someone actually posted OC.
Last edited by Lavar (Jun 28, 2012 8:29 pm)
Just found it on reddit, did you post this or not? ted_clear/
sure did haha! normally i wouldn't post it in the gaming subreddit 'cause it's not really gaming related. just fishing around for more suggestions on what to do with it next.
Where did you find the white DMG buttons? I can't find them anywhere!
Check out this site: if you haven't discovered them yet. They have awesome electroluminescent lights that can come extremely thin and you can find a way to wire them directly into the gameboy using their converter kit. They are pretty awesome and have decent pricing also. Check them out man. I was working on a kit using these but I put it on a side burner for the moment.
nice going dragoon! yeah, that's the kind of look that i was originally going for, that the inside components would be blurred through the case.
how exacting was the acetone + nailpolisher method? did you have to worry much about how evenly you distributed it across the inside of the case? i can't tell from your picture but if i tried it would obsess over whether or not the translucent effect was splotchy
Great stuff man!!, ... quick question... did you painted the SELECT & START buttons?, there's any way to find those guys i white color?
Great stuff man!!, ... quick question... did you painted the SELECT & START buttons?, there's any way to find those guys i white color?
nice going dragoon! yeah, that's the kind of look that i was originally going for, that the inside components would be blurred through the case.
how exacting was the acetone + nailpolisher method? did you have to worry much about how evenly you distributed it across the inside of the case? i can't tell from your picture but if i tried it would obsess over whether or not the translucent effect was splotchy
I just mixed aceton and nailpolisher 1:1 and let it drip on the inside of the case, because ghostish isn't even, its more like cloudy. If you want a more even look, you should do a bath in aceton+nailpolisher, but not too long.
You can look on some more pics on my flickr channel or even on my website, where i have a lot more modding stuff.
More DMGs will appear there soon