I think that it would be mostly confusing for you to look at an experienced user's LSDj .sav.
Everyone has their own way of structuring a song and using parameters.
Secondly, the data in trackers can be very cryptic for someone who hasn't already tried out different ways of using the software.
Just skim the manual and have a go, you'll learn quicker than you think.
EDIT: Oh, and here's the demo rom (download the latest)
It's quite an old build though, current full version is at 4.6.7
Documentation is over here
Keep in mind that the ROM on http://littlesounddj.com can be purchased for a very small amount of money.
When you have the rom you can just purchase a flash cart to get it running on real hardware. It's simple to use these days (if you're on a pc)
Have fun! 
Last edited by _-_- (Jul 14, 2012 10:03 am)