
A friend of mine "Mega Flare" is a great Chiptune purist. I came to him with the idea of taking it to the next level and making a music video and have posted it elsewhere and most people freak out about it because they don't understand what chiptune is.

Here is a comment I got on the video:

"OK. Firstly kill the horrible music and download some action music scores from Audionetwork - Will only cost you a couple of bucks for a student production license. Then torrent some fight sound effects (punch, bodyhits, sword clashes etc). Tidy the edit - keep the shots waaaay shorter and closer framing - study a Steven Seagal or Chuck Norris fight scene and try and copy the feel of that. Subscribe to freddiew if you don't already! Keep at it!"

I thought I would drop the video off to a group of people who really appreciate Chiptune in hopes of getting help with promotion for my friend, myself, and chiptune all together so at any rate. Please take a look at the Video and if you like it leave a comment. Also, if you have any questions shoot me a message on youtube and I will get back to you ASAP!



Chepachet, Rhode Island

Cheese factor at warp 9. lol I liked it.

Chicago IL

wait, what do you think "the next level" means


if slapping a cigarette out a motherfuckers mouth isnt next level i dont know what is. but it was fun. i watched the whole thing so i suppose it kept my attention and everything.


totally next level

NSW, Australia

"chiptune purist"

ohio gozaimasu

whattt thee fuuuckkkkk

that was great

NC in the US of America

Ugh... the movie was too boring for me to stay and hear the music... the music was too boring to keep me interested in the movie.


I don't know... it just didn't engage me on any level. If the music was accompanied by some sweet Hero Core-esque pixel action, or the movie was accompanied by some sweet dramatic action music, then It'd be cool. In that respect, I kind of agree with bigbadfun.

The vid and the music aren't a good match for each other in my opinion.

Maybe throw some arps into the channel you're using for the kick (on the unused beats) to give it a little more umph. To keep it interesting. The tunes are good. They just need more in the background.

Edit: See, I just listened to the tune while staring at a screenshot of Ninja Gaiden and it was just great.

Last edited by SketchMan3 (Jul 16, 2012 2:45 am)

NSW, Australia

I agree with SketchMan3 on every point

The Multiverse ::: [CA, Sac]

on any level

I c wut u did there. hurr hurr hurrr

SketchMan3 wrote:

Edit: See, I just listened to the tune while staring at a screenshot of Ninja Gaiden and it was just great.


Melbourne, Australia

Just because someone doesn't like your music doesn't necessarily mean they don't get chiptune...

NC in the US of America
The Sky Is Black Not Blue wrote:

"chiptune purist"

O man. I missed that. Red flag noted.

I thought I would drop the video off to a group of people who really appreciate Chiptune in hopes of getting help with promotion for my friend, myself, and chiptune all together so at any rate.

There might be a paradox or two in that statement somewhere... =\

Does your friend have any other chiptunes out there on the internets?

Rochester, NY

thread title was just too good to use on this thread, can we save the thread title for a different one?

The Multiverse ::: [CA, Sac]

He's speaking of Mega Flare.


ChipsChallengeBand wrote:

thread title was just too good to use on this thread, can we save the thread title for a different one?


Last edited by Auxcide (Jul 16, 2012 3:22 am)

NC in the US of America
SketchMan3 wrote:

Does your friend have any other chiptunes out there on the internets?

Nevermind. Found it:

Yeah... tell your friend to learn how to REALLY use the WAVE channel (for more than just kicks), PULSE effects, and TABLES. Three albums of just stock sounds is no good (I think. I just skimmed).

And the melodies and progressions are really good, too. sad


Levels aint shit, I want to take chiptune to the next plane.