godinpants wrote:BR1GHT PR1MATE wrote:ahhhhh that guy is hilarious. i loved (love?) when he would come on under an alias and hype his stuff in the third person
Wait, are talking about radiograffitti? You know the label was run by several guys right?
And also, one of them may be closer than you think (perhaps even in this thread).
He might be talking about Mono/TDS, but I'm not sure he ever used fake accounts. If he's talking about me/RG, well then he had better go check himself. You are correct - there was something of a revolving door of help for the better part of two years. I'm positive there are matching IP's between accounts/emails from shared computers, etc. Hell, the AV Club was set to run a full Radiograffiti feature (timed for Blip 2011 hype) which went into detail on how to help out w/ full profiles, but this fell through.
egr wrote:When's RadioGraffiti coming back, anyway. I know they've got at least one release in the works.
After Blip I sort of had to reassess whether I even wanted to deal with music, period. Anyone who knows me understands I've always been on the fence, but this might be part of the appeal for some. After some soul-searching I got the wheels turning on 13 different vinyl releases at once (addicted to work) but to say there were technical difficulties is an understatement. Physical labels are dead for a reason...same with record stores.
Having said that, there's a fine line between dedication and sadomasochism. The new deadline is mid-late October. More info soon!