Brunswick, GA USA
egr wrote:
herr_prof wrote:

Maybe make HIDE THREAD an option on users accounts. Its pretty easy to identify a turdy thread by sight.

It would be awesome if the thread starter could see how many users have hidden it.  Passive-aggresive-fuck-you smile

If that route is taken I suggest having hide count as visible to everyone.

Tokyo, Japan

I like Bryface`s idea quite a lot, although it does require extra dev work from Trash80. I think combining all the ideas would work well, i.e.

1 - A couple of extra mods and a slightly more hands on mod approach

2 - A couple of extra rules about content light threads.

3 - Brys awesome new members please read this type thing.

4 - An opt in area for off topic content.

What is the mod consensus?

Victory Road wrote:

but seriously why aren't you already a moderator here? i mean, i always assumed you were but then i've never seen you close any threads or anything.

Honestly, I don't think I would be very good at it, I am not particularly patient with jokey threads and my time zone is teeming with good aussie mods. Also you would end up with a forum with all threads closed unless they were about FM Synthesis cause I felt they were`t hardcore enough.

Tokyo, Japan
ant1 wrote:

one person's noise is another person's signal unfortunately

True, that doesn't mean it is a good idea for banana fans to talk all their banana talk in an apple forum.


it seems to me your problem isn't with banana fans talking banana talk in an apple forum - it's about apple fans asking for feedback on their apples, trying to drum up hype for their apples, asking beginner questions about apples etc. all those things are apple related

i'm not saying i think these threads are great but the "mods should close threads they personally don't like / their friends don't like" approach is pretty bad i think

Abandoned on Fire
Lazerbeat wrote:

my time zone is teeming with good aussie mods

Huh, hadn't thought about mods being spread across time zones.  I guess that needs to be taken into consideration.  Reminds me of "Eastern Standard Tribe" by Cory Doctorow.  smile

Tokyo, Japan
ant1 wrote:

it seems to me your problem isn't with banana fans talking banana talk in an apple forum - it's about apple fans asking for feedback on their apples,

I don't think I mentioned feedback threads they seem very worthwhile to me. I am all for people getting better!

ant1 wrote:

trying to drum up hype for their apples,

This I don't like. true.

ant1 wrote:

asking beginner questions about apples etc. all those things are apple related

If the beginner questions have been answered by a thread which is in an FAQ / Sticky then yes it bugs me. If it is a beginner question which hasn't been covered then go for it.

ant1 wrote:

i'm not saying i think these threads are great but the "mods should close threads they personally don't like / their friends don't like" approach is pretty bad i think

Also agreed, I don't think playing favorites or having an unlevel playing field is even slightly cool. However, I don't think our mods do / will do this.

Lazerbeat wrote:

1 - A couple of extra mods and a slightly more hands on mod approach

2 - A couple of extra rules about content light threads.

3 - Brys awesome new members please read this type thing.

4 - An opt in area for off topic content.

wouldn't stricter enforcement of rules make off topic stuff mostly a thing of the past anyway?

Tokyo, Japan


Brunswick, GA USA

Bump with emphasis

Can we have a checkbox on a thread's page which, when checked, makes it so a thread no longer bumps for your account?