here are examples of blogs that i feel are well written and are also beneficial for the artists. blogs should be informative in terms of the history of the artist, other projects, area they're from, that kind of thing. sadly abptbap doesnt have a ton of information about the artists across all of the blog entries. it really needs to be more thought out if you want people to get the most out of it or use it. it has good things going for it, but i think it's important to look at other blogs as much as possible to see the differences between whats here and what makes a sticky blog. try and make a shift to making it a bit more informative as well as working with the artists themselves. dont change the names of the releases to leetspeak on your mediafire links so that if people download it and listen to it later they have a hard time figuring out what it is that they downloaded. these are simple things to change so that it can be more of a success.