This weeks, or should I say the previous week's project is a bit late, but here we go. This week's project is a simple test/welcome ROM. If you want a custom version of this ROM to come with the cartridges you sell, (when there's no other ROM requested by the buyer) give me a shout. (Nonfinite, Kitsch, Apeshit, I'm looking in your direction.)
And this time, the project comes with source code.
Found the easter egg! Is that effect normally possible on the DMG? Or is this the result of your sorcery once again?
Id like a custom rom made for me if thats possible o_O just like a custom logo or something thatll stay on the screen after it boots for photo ops and stuffs.
Sure. Make an image that's 160*144 pixels big.
Okay ill get on that asap. I was hoping that maybe you could design it though? Like tell you what Im interested in having and you sketch do up some example images for me or whatever. I really have no idea how to go about this type of thing. :X so bare with me T_T
-snip- Nevermind, I'll give it a go myself, no point wasting someone else's time.
Last edited by Alpine (Jan 30, 2013 4:59 pm)
(i really appreciate your including source for this, thats very nice of you)
How did you make this? What program did you use, and could you tell me where I could get it? Please? … -released/
Week 5: LittleFM 0.5 has finally been released. It's now easier to patch to an LSDj ROM, has support for drag'n'dep, and support sav trading over a link cable
Well ok then... … -for-lsdj/
Last edited by nitro2k01 (Feb 4, 2013 8:26 pm)
For this week I need a little help testing something.
I think you can from the filename where this is going. But, I'm researching a method of playing back samples with less noise. I would like you to to try these ROMs on as many types of different Gameboys as you can and report back here. Especially GBAs as I don't currently have a working one.
The ROM named noisy should have a sickly hiss to it while the two named clean and clean2 shouldn't. At least on a DMG. If you're testing the ROM on a DMG, please also report motherboard revision. (Look into the hole where the battery cover latch goes. DMG-CPU-0x,)
Oh, and you can press up and down to pitch the sample.
Just tested on pocket. Can't really tell which rom is which because they are all labeled SLICE in my EMS's menu.
First rom - really annoying background noise. The other two - way way better, actually the noise from the first one seems to be gone completelly and what is left is only bit depth related stuff. Can't tell the difference between the 2nd and 3rd now since I didn't record it.
Great job on reducing the noise!
It's AMEN BREAK GAMEBOY ROM! I'm gonna keep that on the second page for sure.
edit: ok, I'm addicted now and have request: hardpan the break left and give me 4 ppqn click to the right
Last edited by ashimoke (Feb 8, 2013 9:13 am)