I didnt do mine, but eh community seems super friendly and helpful. Maybe try a simple project first though if your scared! There is also a bunch of guys in the forum who offer their build services.
1,010 Feb 8, 2013 10:12 am
I should buy Shruthi.
there are some of this used instruments available here in Czech republic. midi<dot>cz
1,015 Feb 16, 2013 8:47 am
How is that? I've heard it sucks. But if it's anything like the video for "One" by SHM I'd like to pick one up.
I'm really enjoying it so far. The 'headphone' output is really a line output, so most consumer headphones (16-32ohms) have a dreadful hiss/noise (anything made for the iPod Age) but it's not present when plugged into a line input. My ATH-M50 cans (38ohm) are pretty quiet as well. The plastic on the screen is SOFT and will scratch if breathed on. Seriously, a clean microfiber cloth left swirl marks o.O It absolutely needs a screen protector ASAP.
The synth engines are nice, to me. But I like weird little quirky instruments. Dr. Wave is great for 8 bit sounds. A guy named Cuckoo even has a bunch of NES-inspired presets on the ohpeewon forum
The OP-1 seems to be a love it or hate it thing, and some quickly (and perhaps arrogantly) dismiss it as a 'toy.' Honestly I think it's a bit expensive for what it is, but I got it for 10% off anyway. I've already forgotten how much I spent as I spend time with it. I don't regret the purchase at all.
**edit** forgot to mention, it has a 4 operator FM engine, too
Last edited by KrisM (Feb 16, 2013 5:45 pm)
1,018 Feb 18, 2013 8:44 pm
I just have my gameboy color and one lsdj cartridge and im planning to play out on the street here in albuquerque just so i can have fun
1,021 Feb 19, 2013 11:40 am
this is beautiful, truly beautiful, and as a man who judges a book by its cover, truly the greatest thing i've ever seen
It is like digital tape with some oscs, video from SHM does not feature it (afaik mostly Lennar Digital Sylenth and some machinedrums). For iPad is very similar Samplr and i also like Borderlands Granular.
Last edited by martin_demsky (Feb 19, 2013 1:15 pm)
1,022 Feb 20, 2013 8:26 am
this is beautiful, truly beautiful, and as a man who judges a book by its cover, truly the greatest thing i've ever seen
I think it's pretty awesome looking, too. I love when people dismiss it as an over-priced toy (it is a bit too highly priced, imo...). It's toy-like nature actually appeals to me, and I love the synth engines on board. They're digital as hell and don't try to sound like a virtual analog synth.
I do have an Atomic Purple Gameboy Color and an OG Gameboy coming to keep it company, now, too