matt's mind

from the newsletter


hey everybody -

i'm particularly pleased to announce we're now distro'ing some of the datathrash recordings' albums! … datathrash

yay!  if you are unfamiliar with this wonderful chipthrash label, please do yourself a favor and look them up. 

till next time, keep chipping!



thanks for looking!

matt's mind


(big thanks to thebitman for his awesome creative thoughts!)

this project is a simple 'converter' PCB which will allow NES/SNES/SFAM controllers to be used with/on a DMG

as you are aware, there are 4 extra buttons on the SNES and SFAM controllers, which means for using them with a DMG its a possibility to give these extra buttons some 'macro' functions.

this means, pressing LEFT SHOULDER *might* result in a LEFT+SELECT button press (if you have this macro engaged, for example).  Also the RIGHT SHOULDER, X and Y buttons would do other things.

I'm planning on creating 8 macros, which are chosen during power-up by holding down one of the 'main buttons' (the ones all these share).

make sense?  if not, please say, and i'll elaborate.


I need to create the actual button mappings for the extra buttons, corresponding to which button is pressed at start-up, before I can actually attempt to implement/test this,

WOULD YOU HELP?  please PM or email me your suggested button mappings (matt / kitsch-bent / com)

or, you can 'quote' my 'code' and fill in the blanks yourself...   just replace the question marks!  (each column is 20 spaces if you're going for cleanliness)

BUTTON              X                   Y                   RIGHT SHOULDER      LEFT SHOULDER       APPLICATION

up                  ?                   ?                   ?                   ?                   LSDJ                    
down                ?                   ?                   ?                   ?                   nanoloop
left                ?                   ?                   ?                   ?                   ?
right               ?                   ?                   ?                   ?                   ?
start               ?                   ?                   ?                   ?                   ?
select              ?                   ?                   ?                   ?                   ?
A                   ?                   ?                   ?                   ?                   ?
B                   ?                   ?                   ?                   ?                   ?

what sort of macros would YOU like to see?

if a lot of you submit these, i'll figure out a way to do some sort of voting on them.

yes, this will mean there is the potential for adding 4 new buttons to a dmg


Wow this is a great idea!  If this goes through, it's definitely something that I can implement into a little project/live show rig that I am about to jump into for myself after this semester gets out of school.  Hopefully this can be figured out and completed before the end of summer so I can put it to use!

Matthew Joseph Payne

daaaaaaamn, I have to wrap my head around the possibilities here.


Keep in mind, we are extremely limited to things such as button press speeds YOU define in your copy of LSDJ, and we can't invent new shortcuts, only automatize them (rather quickly wink). The SNES controller L and R thing is something I suggested since the select and start buttons are placed centrally on the controller, unlike the lower NES and GB placement.

Really curious to see what macros you guys can think of, we need to go beyond copy and paste if possible. smile think about ergonomics and workflow, you all will probably have more insight than myself or kitsch haha.


Great idea all around! Thanks for the chance to input into this too. I'll whip up my preferred mapping ASAP!

matt's mind

just to answer some questions i've gotten:

-- no, you do not have to fill out the whole chart.  if you only have one mapping to contribute, please do!  just indicate the program/application its for
-- yes, you can do a 'universal' mapping that isn't program-specific!  this would be wonderful
-- as thebitman noted, we can't create new features in the software (such as pressing X and jumping to the load/save/erase screen from wherever you are atm).  we can automate button presses, even SELECT+B,B, but bear in mind that there might be a software element to this outside the control of what this circuit can automate (like, how fast a 'double-tap' is defined by the software).  a 'double-tap' may not always be recognized as one by all softwares, or by your copy if you've edited preferences.

^ with that last thought in mind, that doesn't exclude a double-tap being used under the conditions there is a documented 'double-tap' time that everyone could change settings to meet, develop their code to anticipate, or whatnot.

matt's mind

pertinent to this discussion

matt's mind

(an example, button 'whatever' because i don't care, if you have a preference just mention it, that part doesn't matter so much)

BUTTON              X                   Y                   RIGHT SHOULDER      LEFT SHOULDER       APPLICATION

whatever            A (fast turbo)      B (fast turbo)      A (slow turbo)      B (slow turbo)      universal (turbo mode)

fast/slow tbd
turbo = repeated button on/offs


Unfortunately, as I'm traveling I don't have any access to a pc, and it's tricky to do the proper formatting on my mobile, so I'll just outline it as well as I can.

Here's what I'm thinking for LSDJ :

B = A
Y = B
L = Select
R = Start
X = start selection (select + b)
A = cut/paste (select + a)
Start = triple tap b (for highlighting phrases, also select all if holding select)
Select = go to main song screen (Though you can't determine which screen LSDJ is on, nor can you make new functions, a macro like "select + up, up, left, left, left, left, down" would always make it there, though it would probably be slow, most likely wouldn't work. Just brainstorming ideas here.

That's the Zef Special, if I could have any thing right now, though it's open to change.

If someone could format this into table form that'd be cool.

Last edited by Zef (Feb 11, 2013 11:51 pm)


For one of my first projects a few years ago I modded a SNES controller with an NES cable and diodes to do "Select + left/right" for the shoulder buttons, and "select + up/down" for the X and Y buttons. It was actually quite intuitive.

matt's mind


keep them coming wink

matt's mind

-- just wanted to note, because i've gotten a couple questions about this now.....   we're only looking for macros for the 4 extra buttons, not for all the buttons (as if the controller were a whole set of extra buttons).  the original buttons (dpad, start, select, A, B) will keep their original functionality,

so, Zef, I edited your suggestions bearing this in mind (had to drop some of your macros to do it)....  let me know if your Zef Special isn't so,...  special, to you anymore...  (or if I can change it to correct that).  i tried to interpret the brunt of your meaning...


The Zef Special

BUTTON              X                   Y                   RIGHT SHOULDER      LEFT SHOULDER       APPLICATION

whatever            select+A            select+B            start               select              LSDJ


Apeshit's Tried'n'True

BUTTON              X                   Y                   RIGHT SHOULDER      LEFT SHOULDER       APPLICATION

whatever            select+UP           select+DOWN         select+RIGHT        select+LEFT         LSDJ



BUTTON              X                   Y                   RIGHT SHOULDER      LEFT SHOULDER       APPLICATION

whatever            A (fast turbo)      B (fast turbo)      A (slow turbo)      B (slow turbo)      universal (turbo mode)


uXe wants more...

...buttons!!!  16-bit support = 16 buttons?
BUTTON              X                   Y                   RIGHT SHOULDER      LEFT SHOULDER       APPLICATION

whatever            A (latched)         B (latched)         RIGHT (latched)     LEFT (latched)      universal (latch mode)

*unlatches upon button press
Czech republic

Interestinig idea. But wouldn't it be more practical to just mod DMG with extra buttons and inner circuity? Sure you'd lose the feel of actual retro controler but still...

Last edited by ashimoke (Feb 12, 2013 6:22 pm)

matt's mind

^ you could add the 4 extra buttons to the DMG itself, or use an external controller for all the controls.  thats a decision for the end-user to make (the circuit will do your idea though, if i understand you correctly)

the circuit will be inside the DMG either way.  so it can do what you're asking, totally.  at least thats my intent.  it will integrate with another project no one knows about, so it needs to remain inside the DMG.  if the user uses external controllers they'd either need to hard-wire the controller to the circuit, or create a port on the side of their dmg so it could be unplugged.  but, that's totally their call.  it could, like you said, be used to just add four new buttons to the DMG, with nothing else.  the button on the DMG held down during start-up would determine the macros for the 4 extra buttons.

but also you could use an external controller.  or you could add four extra buttons to a NES controller (if you run the wire back to the circuit).  or, add 4 buttons to a stomp box for the 4 extra ones, and use a nes controller, and run around like a mad person and have control still.

its really whatever the user wants, within some limits.  basically....  think:
-- adds ability to add 4 extra buttons
-- adds macro functions for these extra buttons
-- macro function 'set' is chosen by button-press during start-up
-- can be controlled via external controllers (NES/FAM can add 4 buttons, SNES has these buttons built-in), but doesn't have to be

its sort of an open-ended user application.  i'll post a functional diagram today i suppose, if that will help.

matt's mind

and everybody, post your button-press macro requests!

i'll even format them for you, i'll make a long list in one post thats easy to keep track of.

just post ideas.  anything, i REALLY do want to know your thoughts on this.  i desire community input, its important to me/this.  i don't need it, i want it.  its really a nice chance to see your idea made into some sort of reality, if that interests you at all...

your input matters a lot right now, in the future whenever you'd like 'x, y, and z' feature, you're basically SOL and can deal with it wink  the worst i can do is turn you down...