Austin, TX
Teh D3th St4r wrote:

This project (as well as most others) is being suspended until further notice... Possibly indefinitely
Bipolar disorder is a bitch.

I feel ya bro, it's definitely a bitch to say the least, but don't let it get the best of you. Hang in there man smile

Cleveland, OH

So what parts in all have you removed altogether? Don't count parts you have replaced.
What gauge wire are you using on the voltage regulator board? I've found that it needs to be somewhat thick to supply power properly especially if you're making the wires long. How long are they? Try this for me.. Use a voltage regulator board with the stock wires soldered as they normally would be. The Game Boy could not be getting enough power.

Oh and this one of the coolest things I've seen in awhile. Very good work!

Santa Cruz, California

This project has been postponed... perhaps indefinitely.
It's lucky it got put in a box and set aside, instead of being chucked in the bin with my other failed projects.
Thanks for your interest though.

Cleveland, OH

Want to send it to me and see if I can at least make it function then send it back?

Santa Cruz, California

Not really.
I know what's wrong with it, and I know how to fix it.
I'm just bipolar, and I'm currently in a cripplingly bad mood. Once I'm through this cycle, I might go ahead finish this project, and not go all Alderaan on its ass, and smash it into a billion unrecognizable pieces...

Santa Cruz, California

This doesn't have anything to do with my keyboard... but could inspire me to get back into working on it.
Anyway, on the second Saturday of the month, there's an electronics flea market at De Anza College in Cupertino CA... I always go.
Some months are better than others. That being said; this was not a great month, but when you consider that I only spent $20 today, it's pretty impressive.

We'll start with these project cases. They give me all kinds of  fucking awesome ideas. The yellow ones are made out of metal, and I think they'll get turned into pocket emulators using a Raspberry Pi. The grey ones are plastic... don't know what I'll do with those, but it's nice to have. $10 for all of them.


› some other shots

Got this waterproof portable TFT/LCD color TV from the early 90's. Going to make a stock looking "Camping Genesis". $5 and it works perfectly.

Got a Famicom that looks pretty rough, but it fuckin' works... $5.

Alright... get ready for the free shit!
Vintage paper tape calculator that I'm turning into a Midi controller... and there will be a paper roll on it when I'm done.

A box of Playstation 2 stuff... and this shit works too.

There was some other stuff too:

› set faces to stunned!

Chicago IL, USA

what is that crazy elongated Playstation controller? a probably fun mod that I'm not sure is possible, but is definitely impracticle, would be to put a large screen in the center with the psp's hardware behind it. Super PSP XXXXXXXXXL Deluxe.


It looks like you got your hands on a PS2 with a swap-disc-trick lid. Definitely not stock. I am definitely curious about that. Also, the wide controller is probably made to house a keyboard, sort of like the Gamecube controller for the Phantasy Star Online series. Ultra nice finds.

Santa Cruz, California

The keyboard is definitely for Phantasy Star (I used to play the shit outta that game). I'm not sure what the swap-disk-trick lid is supposed to be for, and if you'd like to explain it to me, that would be rad.


people would put in a legit game then swap it out with a burned one so they didnt have to mod chip their console or anything

Santa Cruz, California
TheBronyChip wrote:

people would put in a legit game then swap it out with a burned one so they didnt have to mod chip their console or anything

AH! That makes perfect sense.
I'm totally gonna mess around with that this evening.

UK, Leicester
thebitman wrote:

It looks like you got your hands on a PS2 with a swap-disc-trick lid. Definitely not stock.

Yeah, I noticed that too, it's quite a distinctive look.

Santa Cruz, California

My buddy Jason came by today, and I was showing some of the stuff I got at the flea market.
He pretty much immediately came up with this idea! Travel emulator PC anyone?
Why the fuck didn't I think of this:

Amazing what can be done with an old netbook and a Phantasy Star controller.


omg genius O.O

Santa Cruz, California

A fresh grip of parts is on the way.
Time to dig the keyboard out of the box, and get back to work...

You ready for this shit?!

Seattle, WA
Teh D3th St4r wrote:

A fresh grip of parts is on the way.
Time to dig the keyboard out of the box, and get back to work...

You ready for this shit?!

Fuck yeah.