stargazer wrote:Did this ever get posted here? Sorry if it did, but I don't think it did. Just found this over on nesdev tonight. Unfortunately I'm on Linux and haven't tested it, but it looks super awesome. Also on the page are patches for many games that previously wouldn't save on the cart. So here you go, and post your results.
NOTE: This shouldn't solve any of the driver issues.
EMS Software
hat-is-it/ I posted about this maybe 3 months ago and it didn't get much attention. It's a rather heroic piece of software, but it does not support true multiple save file support.
It basically takes the save memory and treats it like a bookshelf, where you can have multiple books (saves) on a shelf. Previously we were allowed only one "book" per shelf, so this is a big improvement. You can fit somewhere between 2 and 8 saves on here, maybe more, depending on what games you have loaded (different games save different amounts of data). However, it does not fix the driver issues with Windows 7 and it does not allow for multiple LSDJ saves. LSDJ uses the entirety of the working save memory I'd bet, so there's no room for other saves.
Something I found immensely useful was being able to swap pages with a few button presses. I have an EMS cart that refuses to switch pages through power cycling, and this was the perfect workaround. With this software I now use my EMS cart exclusively for games, other carts are for LSDJ. 3 months strong so far of using the software, I haven't had any issues so far.