
I hate everything I wrote before my 1bit album

orange county, CA

Oh gawwwwd my old stuff sucks. Let's not look back to that.

Boston, MA

your old stuff, even the oldest, is indicative of the musical wonder you possessed while learning a new craft. buried within it is the style into which you would eventually grow. it can be fun to go back to old songs and remember points at which you said, "I have this musical idea, but I don't really know how to approach composing it," and say now, "I know exactly what was needed here all along, I just never knew how to articulate it." Refreshing old pieces can be a challenging, rewarding experience. it's particularly helpful in teaching one the value of a healthy, critical ear on mixing and arrangement.

Last edited by Soleviio (Apr 20, 2013 5:18 pm)


I love my old music, except for the first year of getting used to LSDJ
I think I've grown up technically but my first compositions were full of feels