eta: fingers crossed i'm thinking in < 2 weeks now. the assembly took a little longer than anticipated, the unknown variable right now is the amount of troubleshooting i'll need to do to get these programmed and tested and wrapped up completely.
there is always something
as soon as possible, basically. to where its not rushed and compromises the quality of the product.
and glad the docs seem like they'll be enough! if you do take this on, and find there is info missing or whatever, PLEASE let me know i'd be happy to update it. i think its enough for most everyone to add support for the 5th channel though (as long as the address range isn't already being used).
if you pipe the 5th channel's sound through the gameboy, check out this part of pandocs too: … lregisters
^ this link should take you to the Sound Control Registers section, not the bottom. so, if it doesn't take you there, reload the page. mine messed up on me and reloading it took me to the right part
(the header on kk_gb_8m is there so you can send the new audio wherever. straight to its own mono jack, back into the game cart (and to the cart edge), or whatever you want. its not hardwired to the cart edge, its available in the breakout header to do with what people wish)