basspuddle wrote:but PSPs don't have the option for midi, that's why the gp2x got my attention
i like it but it doesn't really flow that well for me on a desktop. (exactly what happened for me with lsdj on an emulator before i got it on an ems cart) maybe what i need to do is get it on a handheld and see how it goes from there. just borrow someone's psp or something.
edit: for the tater plates, i pan-fried them. i knew better than to put them in the microwave, but i didn't know that the oven was better than on the range haha
Ah right, I have no need of midi capabilities yet, so it hasn't been a problem for me. I do get that as well, I much preffer to use it on a psp than pc, I find it easier to work with.
defPREMIUM wrote:i kno i mentioned this on another thread, but i only use lgpt on my pc and i love it, for the simple fact that all the resources i need to complete a track (recording, samples, etc.) are right in the same spot as lgpt. i hate having to go back and forth between a console and my pc. just take a day to get used to the controls, not worrying about making music necessarily at first.. it gets mad easy after a while.. the pc controls are conveniently placed to where you don't even have to move your hands, only fingers. let me know if you need any help basspuddle. i can share some of my amateur techniques with you if you want 
i think people (i don't necessarily mean you alpine) seem to equate running lgpt on a handheld to running lsdj on a dmg.. like it is more "scene legit" or whatever.. but it's not the case. lgpt is a tracker, which is compatible with some handhelds. lsdj is a gameboy program, which can be run on a pc with an emulator.. it is different. i can see how a handheld would be fun for live performance, traveling, etc.. but i can't think of a very good reason, aside from catering to certain midi configurations, to go handheld at home with lgpt. of course, this is all subject to personal preference 
I'm not a massive fan of the control layout on pc, it feels a little odd to me, but then again, I'm more of console person than a pc person (but I primarily use FL Studio and Famitracker, so I guess I'm just picky) As for the second part, I just run piggy on my psp because I think the size of the workspace coralates well to the size of the psp's screen, as do the controls to the amount of buttons.
I do see your point, having to swap between pc and psp to do stuff with samples, but I just installed a file browser, and dumped a load of samples on my psp, so that I can make tracks on the go, without a pc. I like to make tracks when I'm away from the computer, weather I'm in the back of a car, on a long drive somewhere, or I'm just downstairs, and I can't be arsed to walk upstairs and turn my pc on.
also cornwall is still pretty, and still a little boring