Currently have a spot open for a release we been working on for well over a year now, at the very least. Turned out waay too long for this sort of thing.
Anyway, the only three prerequisites that is asked of you is the following:
1) You compose on le Amiga (why else would I be posting in this section ;p ).
2) Your style is similar to this:
So none of that lame Demoscene music bullshit or groovy-cutesy chip music, sorry. (yeah, i know chip forum blah blah blah)
We also are not looking for generic dancey euro hardcore either : re=related
We want something with more substance than a huge kick/snare overpowering everything. I for one am tired of that crap. It's nice for raves/dancers, but meh, this isn't a rave.
I ask that prequisite style since the three other people involved have already defined what this release is gonna sound like, thus throwing in an odd ball would be.... well odd. ;p Otherwise I wouldn't be asking of it.
If anyone knows anyone let me know by whatever means necessary. I am open to letters written in blood or a simple email/pm. Whatever floats your kinky ass.
We've gone through 3 people who dropped out already (some of you may know them), one in fact just recently dropped out yesterday (after promising for months that they'd provide something), hence the open call.
There's already a person who's applied, but I can't say we are 100% certain on them yet.
Oh and the last prequisite:
3) You are able to provide something within the coming 2 months, doesn't have to be finished, but some sort of solid work in progress should be provided at the very least. This shows us that you are dedicated and interested in the project. No slackers or people who are already way too busy with other commitments. The other 3 guys (Stagediver, Hexadeci, CCDM) have been able to provide something within a month easily. In fact, Stagediver and Hexadeci have redone theirs so many times already, it's unbelieveable hahah. Some people take longer however, which is understandable... but we're already growing weary of promises, yet people are unable to provide for various reasons (which is justifiable in their own lollife, but you can see why the frustration).
Last edited by Mono (Apr 7, 2010 7:34 pm)