if you did that and he put it up that it'd be a good way to get yourself about 20 listens of your music, imagine that!
the way i see it, he never offered this up and had a huge amount of material there. why do that? why not promote it? because he didnt want people to know? its shady. he never made it known that he even had this channel on this forum or anywhere else from what i can tell, so its kind of shady and obsessive and shady creepy after talking to this guy, he gives me a pretty shady vibe. speaking of shady, looks like he removed a substantial amount of people's music like he said he would, probably because he knows he did something wrong...even though he's still rambling on like a robot in my inbox saying he doesnt think he did anything wrong. he said my complaining was analogous to him giving a copy of my music to one of his friends, instead of directing them to a website. instead, its more like putting a copy of his entire music collection online for all of his friends, because thats what it was, was it not? ahaha. dont answer that! let this thread sink to the bottom or close this shit.
anyway, im out. cristian, you're a weird jerk. ask people from now on if you're going to run your channel. this is chipmusic, theres no reason for you to have a channel like that and not ask people for submissions.