12ianma wrote:

First little fm needs a re programmable IC

It doesn't need it, you just can't use all the functionality. Even without flash writeable from the GB (such as on EMS carts) you can still benefit from faster/safer song loading in SRAM as well as link cable transfer. And no song saving because the program isn't complete yet, so bleh.



(Was more aiming at the fact it wouldn't solve the issue that he preceived)

Last edited by 12ianma (Nov 2, 2013 11:13 pm)

UK, Leicester
katsumbhong wrote:
Alpine wrote:

I'm hella interested in this, £25 + pnp for 5 carts with lsdj/ carrilon on would be p boss

If the carts are non-programmable by the end user, your saves are done once the battery shits the bed.

Would be beneficial if they came with LittleFM + lsdj.

sorry, call me a noob, but couldn't you dump the save with a physical cart flasher (e.g. Jazz's) or would that not work?

Taichung, Taiwan
Alpine wrote:
katsumbhong wrote:

If the carts are non-programmable by the end user, your saves are done once the battery shits the bed.

Would be beneficial if they came with LittleFM + lsdj.

sorry, call me a noob, but couldn't you dump the save with a physical cart flasher (e.g. Jazz's) or would that not work?

If the cart that is being made is flashable.

You can't just stick in any gameboy cart into a flasher and flash stuff into it.

Taichung, Taiwan
12ianma wrote:
katsumbhong wrote:

If the carts are non-programmable by the end user, your saves are done once the battery shits the bed.

Would be beneficial if they came with LittleFM + lsdj.

First little fm needs a re programmable IC and second SRAM is always reprogramable unless it's some really really proprietary cart. I doubt this to be an issue on any mbc-blah carts

Is the cart Darko offering flashable?

If not you're sav files will be lost once the battery dies, and you can only back up via MMC or transfer via LittleFM.

We won't find out until more info on the carts come out. Speaking too soon there buddy.

Last edited by katsumbhong (Nov 2, 2013 11:44 pm)

katsumbhong wrote:
Alpine wrote:

sorry, call me a noob, but couldn't you dump the save with a physical cart flasher (e.g. Jazz's) or would that not work?

If the cart that is being made is flashable.

You can't just stick in any gameboy cart into a flasher and flash stuff into it.

That's not what he asked. He asked if you can read sav's with a cart flasher. Which is true. You can't write anything, but you should be able to read them just fine.

Taichung, Taiwan


UK, Leicester
katsumbhong wrote:
Alpine wrote:

sorry, call me a noob, but couldn't you dump the save with a physical cart flasher (e.g. Jazz's) or would that not work?

If the cart that is being made is flashable.

You can't just stick in any gameboy cart into a flasher and flash stuff into it.

I know that bro, that's not what I asked

stargazer wrote:
katsumbhong wrote:

If the cart that is being made is flashable.

You can't just stick in any gameboy cart into a flasher and flash stuff into it.

That's not what he asked. He asked if you can read sav's with a cart flasher. Which is true. You can't write anything, but you should be able to read them just fine.

what he said.

Thanks man.

Straya Mate
stargazer wrote:
katsumbhong wrote:

If the cart that is being made is flashable.

You can't just stick in any gameboy cart into a flasher and flash stuff into it.

That's not what he asked. He asked if you can read sav's with a cart flasher. Which is true. You can't write anything, but you should be able to read them just fine.

Of course you can read the ram from these cards, why couldn't you? haha!

Seems there is some good interest big_smile

Apeshit wrote:

I can see some potential in this. But there isn't any reason to require people to have the original cartridge to purchase these. If you're buying a bootleg, having the original cart neither makes it more ethical or more legal. The five piece MOQ makes this make even less sense because the people will probably sell the other four.

Also, nanoloop carts -- even though they probably can't be done -- shouldn't be considered for obvious reasons. Unless oliver is on board to have some made, but I'm pretty sure he has already made nanoloop carts through Chinese cartridge manufactures in the past and is now making them with his own design.

For those wondering about the whole "proof of owning an original before I make them" deal, please read this section of what I wrote very carefully.
"NINTENDO DOESN'T want you to pirate, if you CARE ABOUT them, don't do it. GAMEBOY PIRACY is bad but people don't care about devs ANYMORE." wink the answer lies in there. Some people also call me Jack Sparrow, I have no idea why wink

As for nanoloop it doesn't bother me what I'm flashing, but the owner must be cool with it. (except for retail games)

katsumbhong wrote:
12ianma wrote:

First little fm needs a re programmable IC and second SRAM is always reprogramable unless it's some really really proprietary cart. I doubt this to be an issue on any mbc-blah carts

Is the cart Darko offering flashable?

If not you're sav files will be lost once the battery dies, and you can only back up via MMC or transfer via LittleFM.

We won't find out until more info on the carts come out. Speaking too soon there buddy.

Well for one, even if they aren't programmable, they'll still be readable! So of course you can dump the ram or even the rom if you wanted!
The carts may be flashable! I'm working on getting some flashable or blank carts for you guys so we'll just wait and see smile

Last edited by DaRkO (Nov 3, 2013 1:39 am)

Melbourne, Australia

Would it be possible to do a similar deal with GBA carts? or will this only be for GB/GBC carts?
Also, sounds intriguing wink I like where this is going.

Last edited by Panda Chan (Nov 3, 2013 1:49 am)

Straya Mate
Panda Chan wrote:

Would it be possible to do a similar deal with GBA carts? or will this only be for GB/GBC carts?
Also, sounds intriguing wink I like where this is going.

Oh yeah easily, GBA carts are a piece of piss.

You're not the only one! big_smile

Last edited by DaRkO (Nov 3, 2013 2:13 am)

Taichung, Taiwan

If it sounded like I was a complete asshole smoking crack that didn't know what I was talking about when I was making the posts, I apologize. I think the brake cleaner at work is getting to me.

UK, Leicester

don't worry about it man


Let's begin with a group purchase. Once Darko has all five peoples 7dollars, he can ship individually I'm sure. 

Who wants an LSDj? I couldn't care less for it (can't wrote music) but I want to jump start this.

Last edited by Jazzmarazz (Nov 3, 2013 2:29 am)

Taichung, Taiwan
Jazzmarazz wrote:

Let's begin with a group purchase. Once Darko has all five peoples 7dollars, he can ship individually I'm sure. 

Who wants an LSDj? I couldn't care less for it (can't wrote music) but I want to jump start this.

Count me in for one cart!


Don't use this for LSDj. If the cartridge is not updateable, that sucks for LSDj. If it's updateable, well then this is just another flash cartridg. For music software, I imagine the major use of this would be for small single purpose ROMs.