Matthew Joseph Payne

dude it takes like 2 minutes with a boxcutter to house an everdrive in the case from an old copy of Madden '93 or whatever. No potential damage to the equipment whatever.


i have no consoles or carts aside form pokemon yellow and a gbc.. i use a PC and a Dingoo and i have a DSi with some homebrew shit.. so yea id have to buy that along with the retron 5 which turns out to be over $200 after shipping and a snes controller.. so it isnt just as easy for everyone to do that and plus like i said if im spending that kinda of money ($78) i want to be getting a case and box and what ever i need to use it right out the box.. if they sold the whole set up for $78 1 or 2gb sd card included id be more apt to spend the money.. but thats not the case.. im not saying anything about the quality and the use of the cart its more of an expensive buy for someone like me.. in the long run im missing out on a lot of this stuff because of the "R&D" labor costs if those even exist.. im not saying that i wont ever buy it its just not attainable price wise for me right now

Last edited by Puke_Flytalker (Nov 24, 2013 9:52 pm)


honestly if i start making money like that and they dont already have usable china clones ill buy one for each system i use because they are that useful

Tacoma WA

Don't be an idiot.

Shits not like making a fucking sandwich of course they're going to factor in r&d to the price.

Litebritedeath Land

@puke_flytalker I know what it's like to be broke but of course R&D exist and these carts are not "overpriced" simply because you can't afford them at the moment.  Hoping for cheap Chinese ripoffs is counter productive to these items even being made in the first place.  It's that attitude that keeps people from even wanting to make these amazing utilities available to us in the first place.  If you can't afford something save dude.  Think of something you buy that you really don't need that adds up.  In my case I quit drinking because not only was it counterproductive to my health and life but taking a step back I realized how much money I was wasting on crap that was getting me nowhere in my life.  Appreciate that people are willing to put their time, energy, and own money into developing the carts in the first place and realize that returning the favor thus supporting future products for our hobby is more important than hoping someone in china steals their design and profits off it.

Litebritedeath Land

Also obtaining an original console of your choice for tracking is cheaper than buying a retron 5.  If money is an issue I wouldn't worry about a console that is going to play a bunch of games that you can't afford in the first place.

Matthew Joseph Payne
infradead wrote:

Don't be an idiot.

Shits not like making a fucking sandwich of course they're going to factor in r&d to the price.

I spent a long time trying to find a nice way to say this and finally gave up. I'm glad you're here infradead. heart


still over priced.. no matter how broke i am... period.. idgaf and calling me an idiot isnt going to change my mind about it..

and i want the retron 5 because i havent bought anything nice for myself in ages and you can find carts in the wild up here like crazy for cheap but if someone has a working console they try to charge out the ass for it.. if i collected the systems id be spending well over 100..

maine is like land of the garage sales and thrift stores

Madriz, Supain

Everdrive for NeoGeoPocket and someone making a tracker for it and shutting the fuck up. Thats what I want.

West Yorks, UK

^^* this except they can actually talk when theyve made it.


Dude you have no respect for R and D. Don't give us some bs when your morals are bent. Don't buy what you can't afford. You are a free rider, only on board if it helps you and not around when someone asks for the loot. This is a huge problem in this country (USA). 

Are lambos over priced because you can't afford them, or are they out of your financial loop?

What would you say if something you produced was devalued by black market. Say you lost your job to someone doing it for half the price working under the table?

Think cause and effect not as selfishly as you are.

I'm super pissed



Imagine how much it would be if he made it in a more expensive country as well. Short run electronic projects can easily run off the rails budgetwise.


id thank the cloners for the free promotion because there is more than likely still going to be the original customer basis who want the real thing just like every other product out there it just makes the user experience more attainable for people who during that point in time cannot afford it.. the thing is no matter what country you live in there are always going to be cheap people.. ive bought cloned things like mechanical mods (high end electronic cigarettes) used them for awhile decided i liked the mod so much i went out and bought the real thing (the bagua, the juggernaut and i now have an iHybrid).. cloning things doesnt necessarily take money out of the creators pocket if the product is good enough and has a demand like the everdrive line.. and you figure the two scenes of people buying these are chip musicians (who also somewhat fall into the second category) and retro collectors.. i feel both scenes represent the type of people im talking about people who will buy the clone and buy the original.. thats just how it works.. learn a little bit about marketing, manufacturing and retailing before you judge my statements.. i work as a product manager for an e-cig company (i also ran a head shop for a couple years) and you see this type of stuff happening all the time and the original manufacturers dont lose money on it it usually drives the demand higher for the real thing cause despite what you think people do actually care about authenticity.. i mean really if everyone wanted a GB boy none of these modders with websites would be selling original dmgs and what not

TL;DR: i have bird hair your arguement is invalid

UK, Leicester
12ianma wrote:

Dude you have no respect for R and D. Don't give us some bs when your morals are bent. Don't buy what you can't afford. You are a free rider, only on board if it helps you and not around when someone asks for the loot. This is a huge problem in this country (USA). 

Are lambos over priced because you can't afford them, or are they out of your financial loop?

What would you say if something you produced was devalued by black market. Say you lost your job to someone doing it for half the price working under the table?

Think cause and effect not as selfishly as you are.

I'm super pissed


playing devilled avocado here, but lambos are hella overpriced

I also see what puke means about it being more than he'd be willing to pay, and I can see his logic. For someone like me, with atm, basically no income, a chinese cart seems a lot more favourable than one of krikzz' carts.
That said, I respect that the circumstances are different for him, he manufactures them, or something along those lines, making them cost more. And, in a perfect world where I had money, I'd quite happily shell out $100+ for a cart, but when I can get one for $40, $50 inc shipping, I'd rather choose that. However, when put into perspective £60 isn't to bad for a flashcart, but the fact that I can get one for about £30 is a lot more appealing to me.

Who knows, if I have a stable source of income by the time this comes out, I may get one, if not, then I'll just stick with my EMS.

Alpine wrote:
12ianma wrote:

Dude you have no respect for R and D. Don't give us some bs when your morals are bent. Don't buy what you can't afford. You are a free rider, only on board if it helps you and not around when someone asks for the loot. This is a huge problem in this country (USA). 

Are lambos over priced because you can't afford them, or are they out of your financial loop?

What would you say if something you produced was devalued by black market. Say you lost your job to someone doing it for half the price working under the table?

Think cause and effect not as selfishly as you are.

I'm super pissed


playing devilled avocado here, but lambos are hella overpriced

I also see what puke means about it being more than he'd be willing to pay, and I can see his logic. For someone like me, with atm, basically no income, a chinese cart seems a lot more favourable than one of krikzz' carts.
That said, I respect that the circumstances are different for him, he manufactures them, or something along those lines, making them cost more. And, in a perfect world where I had money, I'd quite happily shell out $100+ for a cart, but when I can get one for $40, $50 inc shipping, I'd rather choose that. However, when put into perspective £60 isn't to bad for a flashcart, but the fact that I can get one for about £30 is a lot more appealing to me.

Who knows, if I have a stable source of income by the time this comes out, I may get one, if not, then I'll just stick with my EMS.

apparently circuit board manufacturing in the ukraine isnt half bad on price (wayy cheaper than USA) from what i seen from a couple google searches (but that by no means makes me an expert) but how do we know those are actually being manufactured in the ukraine and not some place cheaper like shenzhen china or korea? (i know even on a small scale shenzhen is the cheapest basically.. ive seen them even knock off some impressive things circuit wise on the cheap cheap, i deal with shenzhen manufactureres from time to time for my job and they can basically knock off anything.. infact they like to combine products together which i find comical like e-cigs with flash lights built into them..) there really isnt much info on his site and im not going to email him because for 1. i dont speak the native tongue and 2. i dont want to sound like a dick (because i do have a habit of that but its just me being a huge nerd and overcritical)....bleeehhhhhhh imma go shower and eat some turkey


Again, the big cost is R&D, not manufacturing. This is the problem with today's economy where a lot of products have a high initial investment and then the product can be manufactured for pennies. How do you recoup money in an economy like that?