It looks like he deleted the videos off of his YouTube account.
Slowly making progress but also destroying proof. I'm taking a screen shot.
Last edited by DMGer (Nov 26, 2013 1:17 am) is an online community in respect and relation to chip music, art and its parallels.
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Definitely gonna backtrace this and report it to the cyber police. Guess what, consequences will never be the same!
I'm calling it a night, ill be back in a few hours and put everything together!
Happy hunting! … .25.png?m=
Here's the spotify
EDIT: Beat to it by 2 people...
Last edited by Dire Hit (Nov 26, 2013 1:56 am)
"Fierce FX" is actually a tune Jack and I made (mostly Jack's/Electric Children's work fyi) back in '09 called 'Cyber fx67'. Man, I remember that song caught so much heat on 8bc, lol. Good times. I'm happy to see someone enjoyed so much they stole it!
see also if you guys can do something about the "8bit" in the name
"Fierce FX" is actually a tune Jack and I made (mostly Jack's/Electric Children's work fyi) back in '09 called 'Cyber fx67'. Man, I remember that song caught so much heat on 8bc, lol. Good times. I'm happy to see someone enjoyed so much they stole it!
And that is an attitude we don't see often enough.
Fighter X wrote:"Fierce FX" is actually a tune Jack and I made (mostly Jack's/Electric Children's work fyi) back in '09 called 'Cyber fx67'. Man, I remember that song caught so much heat on 8bc, lol. Good times. I'm happy to see someone enjoyed so much they stole it!
And that is an attitude we don't see often enough.
haha, i read it as total sarcasm
Jazzmarazz wrote:And that is an attitude we don't see often enough.
haha, i read it as total sarcasm
No no, not at all though I will not disagree that the OP Is a load of bullshit and the guy needs brought to justice.
Last edited by Jazzmarazz (Nov 26, 2013 2:26 am)
Wow.... Honestly, these kinds of people piss me off. If he wanted to have a chance of getting away with something like this, he could have picked smaller name artists to rip-off. This whole fiasco kind of reminds me of this: … chipt00ns/