London, UK
8BitStellar wrote:

I uploaded through Reverbnation, which I believe to be a distribution site. I am under no contract. I deleted my Reverb account, but the music is still on the other sites. All I want is to move forward after everything is said and done. I have not committed any crime against the chiptune community since the ordeal I pulled in 2010. I will do what I can to make things right between myself and the affected artists like yourself Sabrepulse.

Shirobon wrote:

Well.. it's good to have come out, but from convos i've seen you have said to have made '200-300 bucks in one year alone'.

So in all honestly that sum of profit you have made should be spit and sent to the artists who have put hard work onto creating the songs. It's not just theft of music.. it's also taking something personal

That would be the first step to setting things right!

I would have no problem looking at a royalties list and allocating who gets what and how much.

you need to find the emails from reverbnation about your account, get in contact with them and have the music removed with immediate effect. explain the situation to them and they will do it quickly, the last thing they want to deal with is a bunch of artists claiming copyright over something they have distributed.


If you don't know what wen't to each artist just split it my percentage. if you email reverb nation about your old account and what you details of the old account were they should have it on file as they have a distribution service set up!

London, UK

also, to the artists affected a quicker solution might be to email and ask them to take down your tracks. Link your releases/press etc so they can determine if you own the rights.

Obviously the guys who did the postal service/kesha covers might have a hard time with that

fyi, here's reverbnation's copyright policy which he agreed to when he took out the account and uploaded the music to the various stores through them:

You must use the Reverb Store Services in a manner that demonstrates common sense and respect for the rights of us and third parties and in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. You will be solely and exclusively responsible for ensuring that any content or materials that you submit to we for use with your Products ("Content"), comply with the terms and conditions of this Agreement and the Site Terms and Conditions of Use, as well as all applicable laws, regulations and rules. You will not design, produce, market or sell a Product that, as determined by us in our sole and absolute discretion:
(i) is generally offensive or inappropriate (keep in mind that we are strongly in favor of freedom of expression, but at the end of the day, we need to be able to have sole discretion to remove certain content);
(ii) is unlawful, would constitute, assist or encourage a criminal offense, or that would violate any local, state, national, or international law, rule or regulation;
(iii) you do not have the lawful right to design, produce, market, sell or distribute;
(iv) misrepresents your affiliation with any person or entity;
(v) infringes the rights of a third party, including, without limitation, copyrights, trademarks, patents, trade secrets, and rights of privacy and publicity;
(vi) is libelous, defamatory or slanderous;
(vii) is obscene or pornographic; or
(viii) is harmful to, or exploitative of, minors in any way.
While we have no obligation to monitor the transactions made through your Store, we reserve the right to cancel any such transaction or take any other action to restrict access to or the availability of any material that may be considered to be objectionable, without any liability to you or any third party.

I've bolded out the clauses that apply

Last edited by Sabrepulse (Nov 28, 2013 7:38 pm)

London, UK
Seabass wrote:

Unfortunately, to cease distribution via Reverbnation, you apparently have to pay them to take content down --- which explains why the non-selling mp3s are still up in places.

I'm already getting in touch with Reverbnation and making sure the content gets removed from Spotify/Amazon/etc immediately. Grooveshark is basically a lost case, though sending them DMCA notices occasionally works.

well he better pay the sites to take them down in that case, although I can't seem to find any info on having to pay to take your own tracks down....


he needs to turn himself in to the authorities. the only feasible option.


Jesus this guys an asswipe, what he is doing, grrrrrrrr. Hopefully he doesn't disappear from the internet yikes


haha it's fun reading all of this at once.
Make a checklist to get things done if this is REALLY erking people so much. In honesty, Guy here could probably take no action and the results would still be the same.

1) Guy works to get music off peripheral sites
2) Guy and artists work together to assess monetary damage to original artists (you're only gunna get money back if you're productive here)
3) Music gone, debts off, now this scene will hate Guy forever (no matter what happens) because most people don't stand for this stuff.


Well either, it might go down like this:

I take down the tracks in any manner, reimburse the artists affect by percentage gained or just a flat payment. We settle on something and go our separate ways...


I do the above steps and y'all file a lawsuit on me, regardless.

Im just coming out clean and admitting my faults. I'm taking full responsibility of whatever happens after. Do what you must, I'm not here to point fingers or say don't do this and this.

In all seriousness, I will comply to the affected artists requests as long as it's in plausible parameters. You can hate me all you want. It's not goin to change the fact that I was in the wrong. And yes, I don't have to do anything, but why leave infringed work on the net anyways.

I ask myself that question. Lastly, I AM going to take the music down.

Last edited by 8BitStellar (Nov 29, 2013 1:25 am)


I'd be very surprised if anyone here took/was able to pay for serious legal action.
Just sayin'
I hope it all gets sorted, though. The artists are the ones who need to be satiated... and it can easily be done without the pitchforks.


a steel-toed solution would be the best solution, honestly

bitjacker wrote:

does anyone have any personal info on this guy? cars are fun to fuck with.

his name is roger kuan and he goes to university of portland smile I googled, his last fm spilled so much

Toronto Area, Canada




Manchester, UK

Haha I'm sure they're empty threats. Having said that, if they're enough to make our pal here look over his shoulder a bit in the coming months, then all the better.

Los Angeles, CA

Okay, what this guy did was despicable, but he's being responsible about it and dealing with it, and if he follows through, anyone who fucks with him at that point is worse than he ever was.  This guy did something stupid years ago, and while he hasn't done anything about it up to this point, he's at least communicating and taking steps to fix it.  Let's make this a happy story.


Aha responsible? He sounds like he is being a dick about it still ala OK DUDES YOU GOT ME. I doubt he made that much money, but it would've been better to just remove everything and handle things with the artists directly then post some random halfassed IM SORRY IF I OFFENDED type of apology.

I am curious though, what was his mindset when doing this? Did he just forget about it, or did he just get noticed?