Here is the complete Adventure Kid Waveforms collection converted to 8-bit samples and 256 bytes length for Protracker clones and MusicLine Editor (.256 raw wave)
I used a length of 256 bytes for the cycle because it's tuned (set finetune +1 for real A=440 tuning), retains sufficient quality and is easily divisible by 2 repeatedly, in order to reach higher octaves if needed: You will notice some loss of harmonics but not much.
In the Protracker version, the loop is enabled and there are 8 empty bytes at the beginning to allow resampling up to two octaves without suffering changes in the beginning of the sample (the ST instruments require the first 2 bytes set to zero, so part of the data in the loop would be affected without those 8 bytes). Moreover, the beginning of the loop has to be a multiple of 8 in Protracker 3 in order to play it properly.
It's amazing the quality and richness of these sounds, even resampled (with sox highest quality), and they are just perfect for chip music: Believe me, you HAVE to try them. All rights (if any) remains to Kristoffer Ekstrand-Adventure Kid, I only did the resampling and looping job to extend its use to Amiga. IT'S NOT MY OWN CREATION!
Protracker version (looped):
MusicLine version (raw):
For more info, please visit his page
PS: Sorry if my english is poor...
Last edited by adrdesign (Jan 15, 2014 1:01 am)