Alley Beach wrote:the arduinoboy needs some capacitors i think..
Only for the clock, which isn't included in trash80's original schematic.
yea, but trash80's schematic is rolling off of an arduino board (uno/ pro mini), not just the uC. is an online community in respect and relation to chip music, art and its parallels.
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Alley Beach wrote:the arduinoboy needs some capacitors i think..
Only for the clock, which isn't included in trash80's original schematic.
yea, but trash80's schematic is rolling off of an arduino board (uno/ pro mini), not just the uC.
Whoa just caught up to this thread... VERY interesting!
The schematic is based off the Xiwi kit I have which uses one.
The AB board I made was intended to work independently from a full development board, while not being particularly fancy. I used through-hole components to make life easier for whoever wants to etch the board. I'm ok with publishing multiple variants of the AB here if there is want of it.
What capacitance should the cap be? I'm no EE guru.
Oh, and in that case add a programming header.
For the ATmega168? I don't know where to start for that. The last AB update was 12/21/12. If we're assuming that someone can flash the IC, they can re-flash it, right? All that would be needed would be to add an IC socket to remove it safely.
But I feel like I'm missing something here.
the ICSP header is what he means, for programming. you can program in-circuit
they are talking about decoupling caps, 0.1uF, 10V should do it
here's a handy hack a day page on them! … apacitors/
The schematic is based off the Xiwi kit I have which uses one.
The AB board I made was intended to work independently from a full development board, while not being particularly fancy. I used through-hole components to make life easier for whoever wants to etch the board. I'm ok with publishing multiple variants of the AB here if there is want of it.
What capacitance should the cap be? I'm no EE guru.
The capacitance will be in the datasheet for your particular crystal.
The capacitance will be in the datasheet for your particular crystal.
Oh. Yeah. That's taken care of. My question was related to the recommendation of using decoupling caps. The comment I made about the xiwi kit was in response to nitro's wtf moment about the clock.
in the parts list there's a 1uf cap. this is most likely for the 7805 as called for in a voltage regulating circuit, solving the filtering issue.
in the parts list there's a 1uf cap. this is most likely for the 7805 as called for in a voltage regulating circuit, solving the filtering issue.
Yeah, that's true. But I'm reluctant to update the AB schematic and plot on an account of ethics. (let me explain) (also, the board works under the assumption that you have regulated power, and know what you're doing with wiring the I/O)
I have the current and previous versions of Xiwi's AB kit PCBs in Eagle. He hasn't given the the go-ahead to publish his work, so I've just done a bear-bones version that is mostly just Trash80's schematic, complete with any problems, to avoid any potential conflict with his kit sales.
So, while I now know to add these parts, it was by means of his kit that I know it. I'd rather play it safe than sorry. I'll PM him and see.
(i'd ask trash80 is you're seeking permission if you feel you need to do this, its his project)
edit - i mean, since xiwi's kit is based of trash80's work, ask the original creator. someone who did a work derived from the original or copied the original isn't who should be asked about using the original. the creator is. in this case, trash80.
if its a technical question, have at it. its unclear from the words. i'm assuming you mean to ask for the permission.
(i'd ask trash80 is you're seeking permission if you feel you need to do this, its his project)
edit - i mean, since xiwi's kit is based of trash80's work, ask the original creator. someone who did a work derived from the original or copied the original isn't who should be asked about using the original. the creator is. in this case, trash80.
if its a technical question, have at it. its unclear from the words. i'm assuming you mean to ask for the permission.
Trash80 released the AB under a GNU license, which I'm pretty sure only covers the software, not the hardware. Xiwi could, if he really wanted to, get after me for using a directive of his hardware, even if it's based off Trash80's.
It's just a healthy dose of IP paranoia, and it's best to have written permission whenever possible.
right, i understand that. but unless you are using the eagle library files (assuming xiwi uses custom footprints that are unique in some way to the part datasheet) or xiwi's project source as your foundation to make the PCB, the work is based entirely off something that is already existing (whether it be in the commons, or whatever). the original creator of that work is the one who gets the citation/etc. like in a literary work. citing a person who cited a person as your primary source is a step back from proper. maybe i'm just over-thinking it though. (or maybe i've missed changes xiwi added to the kit, i'm not aware of any features not on the original schematic, but am not looking at the product page atm either)
i don't care so much, i mean its great you are bothering to even ask anyone because its shocking how that goes over some peoples heads sometimes, just figured i'd mention it.
carry on i'd still run it by trash80 though, even if its just out of some courtesy whether you 'have' to do it or not, you feel
and this isn't to take away from xiwi's work at all. i have one of the older pre-built units and love it...
there is a lot of hard work which goes into making a PCB, a kit, or any product. don't want to detract from that
like, if i laid out a kick-ass Aboy kit, i'd not be able to give people a yes or no about whether they could use the Aboy design in their own product. its not my right to answer that question.
that's all i mean
totally ignore this. i'm just wordy today i think
Sorry, brainfart on my part regarding the capacitors. In particular because of the terminology "for the clock", which got me thinking about the clock data line or an external clock source (not a crystal) for the chip.
Re: programming header. I guess for one thing, I've become more size-conscious as of late. Using hole mount instead of surface mount already takes up a lot more space. Add a socket and the chips is now effectively twice as tall. But being able to use an external programmer beats having to extract a chip from a socket every day.
I got this in my inbox today:
Yes, please do WHATEVER you want with the information I've posted.
I have family who's worked in intellectual property (patent prosecution), and have heard many 'a cautionary tale. One thing I've taken away is that everything, everything, can be contested. But things look good from here, especially when he reported a boost in sales
I should also mention, the inclusion of the AB is totally separate from the greater project. I'm much more inclined to use a Teensy, than an Arduino.
And, while I'm posting, I should mention that I've started work on the screen's PCB. And, as it turns out, I messed a few things up in my library (big surprise, right?). The pot the dmg uses is still very widely used today (Radioshack sells them), but I couldn't find a spec for them (that's Radioshack for you). It turns out that pins 1&2 are pre-pot, 2&3 are post-pot, and 5 is ground. Not surprising, right? What I didn't get is that 1&4 are one channel and 2&3 are for the other... There are several other things, this is just the most recent one. I'll update the plots when a final revision of the CPU PCB is made.
Updated progress
I'm still zeroing in on the component library; I haven't found any errors in it for a while, I'm hoping that's a good sign. Eagle's free version limits the size of the board, preventing me from making the 81x118mm screen-board, so I'm thinking about where to go from here.
I'll add this to the front page after I add component values and name at least some of the pins.