Hi Mk,
Not all file are important, you need only this directory : https://github.com/yoyz/audio/tree/master/picoloop and you are right, Note.h and note.h are useless now. All the content were moved month ago in NoteFreq.*, so it should work without issue without Note.h and note.h.
For the mac osx coreaudio part, I think it won't be a problem, picoloop use RtAudio has a main audio driver.
RtAudio can be compiled for multiple target driver : asio, windows, mac osx.
If you look at Rtaudio.h in https://github.com/thestk/rtaudio/blob/master/RtAudio.h you will see this list of enumerated api :
enum Api {
UNSPECIFIED, /*!< Search for a working compiled API. */
LINUX_ALSA, /*!< The Advanced Linux Sound Architecture API. */
LINUX_PULSE, /*!< The Linux PulseAudio API. */
LINUX_OSS, /*!< The Linux Open Sound System API. */
UNIX_JACK, /*!< The Jack Low-Latency Audio Server API. */
MACOSX_CORE, /*!< Macintosh OS-X Core Audio API. */
WINDOWS_WASAPI, /*!< The Microsoft WASAPI API. */
WINDOWS_ASIO, /*!< The Steinberg Audio Stream I/O API. */
WINDOWS_DS, /*!< The Microsoft Direct Sound API. */
RTAUDIO_DUMMY /*!< A compilable but non-functional API. */
So I think you should compile the RtAudio.o with -D__MACOSX_CORE__ instead of -D__LINUX_ALSA__
Take a look at Makefile.RtAudio_debian and Makefile.RtAudio_windows as an example.
So first thing try to compile the RtAudio.cpp file.
Next the biggest challenge is SDL1.2.
It is available on osx but you will need also all the stuff around sdl1.2 : the sdl ttf and the sdl image.
All the code use the SDL 1.2 to be portable as much as possible, so the SDL1.2 need be double check with an helloworld or bigger.
Double check with an hello world it could help.
Next is the compilation of Makefile.PatternPlayer_debian_RtAudio.
Don't hesitate to contact me, it's really cool to see someone trying to compile it on a different platform