hahaha, nice
hahaha, nice
i couldn't resist.
Oooh! Three ins! Is that three discrete 1x3 or are they all echoing each other?
Oooh! Three ins! Is that three discrete 1x3 or are they all echoing each other?
Thats a little misleading .. the jack w/ the "in" below it is the only Midi INput. the rest are outputs.
I just didn't have enough room to label everything. so i just label as shown in the picture. So..
it is actually a 1x11.. not (3) 1x3's
Anyways... all in all the project took maybe 1-2 hours to build. Very simple.
I'm just putting together a tutorial and ordering parts so i can start taking orders on the kits.
I will test this tonight w/ a few of my synths and my latest run of PIggy=>midi's (killing a few birds w/ one stone).
Once i confirm the pcb works i'll get all product shots taken care of.. finish up the kit making process and get them up for sale.
price is looking to be around $65-75 shipped.
Last edited by low-gain (May 18, 2010 1:57 pm)
price is looking to be around $65-75 shipped.
any chance on just selling pcbs?thought of building one around the same time you started this project, a printed board would make the whole thing a lil easier
never enough f'in thrus!!!
Last edited by Emar (May 21, 2010 3:27 am)
yeah... $12 shipped
and what's cool is you can leave out the second 74hc14 (and it's related components) and have it just be a 1x5.
Last edited by low-gain (May 21, 2010 4:18 am)
OK, I'll say it before someone else does: hmmm looks like you could easily fit a piggy->midi INSIDE that enclosure, too!!! And an arduinoboy. And a dingoo. And some rubbers.
OK, I'll say it before someone else does: hmmm looks like you could easily fit a piggy->midi INSIDE that enclosure, too!!! And an arduinoboy. And a dingoo. And some rubbers.
if youre using that, wont need the rubbers

Last edited by low-gain (May 26, 2010 12:44 pm)
if you wanted to use ableton live to sync multiple consoles could you use your device? I am really interested but alas I will not have any money till next financial aid (august/september)....
if you wanted to use ableton live to sync multiple consoles could you use your device? I am really interested but alas I will not have any money till next financial aid (august/september)....
provided you have at least 1 Midi output device for your computer, the Midi Thru Box Kit can then multiply your output by a factor of up to 11.
Parts have just arrived yesterday and i will be assembling kits this week! Should have them available for sale for $50+shipping.
awesome!! I am definitely going to buy one but I have a feeling that they will all be gone by august/september,