I've bought a few DMGs that were sold as "broken" or "no picture".
They were not actually broken.
The person/business selling them was just foolish enough to not realize they needed to adjust the contrast.
This makes me wonder how many DMGs needlessly ended up in the trash because someone was too stupid to figure out how to adjust the contrast or clean off some slight corrosion from the battery contacts.
I've also scored a few DMGs from foolish people at yard sales who weren't actually selling any DMGs.
To do this all you have to do is bring a DMG along with a cartridge containing LSDJ with you while yard sailing.
Then tell the person running the yard sale "I'm looking for these, do you have any?" Point at the DMG you brought.
It may help to say "I'm a musician and I make music with these" then play them a song with LSDJ. Leave your contact info if they say their kid(s) might have one or they think they might have one in a box somewhere.
Absolutely do not speak to any children/teens while doing this, only old people. You might accidentally inspire the young person to keep their DMG(s).
Last edited by SurfaceDragon (Jul 23, 2016 10:31 am)