Hey motherfuckers -- cannot express what an amazing time I had in Portland. Thanks to everyone that came out to the show and sacrificed their hearing to do so. Fucking hell, Wet Mango was amazing and I encourage anyway unfamiliar with her stuff to look it up. And of course seeing Nordloef and USK perform again was unreal. Tobias brought the viking terror approach to US shores once again and Yusuke tore the place up in signature style, Tsuji Techno FuckFuckFuckoka 1000% energy 1000% of the time.
Countless amounts of gratitude to the 2 Player Productions team for letting me crash at their house and showing me such a great time in Portland. If anyone wants to donate an xbox360 to satiate my newly-formed Red Dead Redemption addiction, I would love you forever. Gabe, a great conversationalist, a dedicated chauffeur, and pussy magnet extraordinaire -- special thanks for making that trip to the Oregon coast happen. Paul, the degree of nonchalance with which you tip strippers is legend. Also keep your eyes open for a special 2PP x Nullsleep collaboration of the culinary variety. Speaking of which, Asif and Paul Levering cooperated to create a killer dinner on my last night there. Fuck -- I could go on forever, these guys rule.
Live recording of my set from the Collapsed Desires Tour stop in Portland • May 28, 2010