
Just posting here that LGPT is running well on Bittboy Pocket and Bittboy Pocket GO. The Pocket Go is a pretty nice handheld, the build quality is better than all the other current emulator handhelds. The only downside is a 30hz screen so it's pretty bad for gaming. But for LGPT, it's absolutely perfect.

If there's interest, I could buy some Pocket Go's and offer them on my store preflashed with CFW and ready to go. Otherwise, they're available most places for about $40.

Bratislava, Slovakia

I have Bittboy V2 second month, because some of my DMG-01s died and now i have only one working, and i must say it is not bad emulator (Gameboy core is from Gambatte), even LSDJ is running with good sound quality, but build quality is very bad, especially buttons, and screen is even little bit smaller than original DMG-01 in vertical size. So i thought that i can bring this everwhere because it is a lot smaller, but now it is collecting dust in my workroom. So still, DMG rules.
Here is my small review of that device, if anyone is interested in more deep sound analysis, i can record at 24-bit 96 kHz same things on my Steinberg UR28M usb audio interface.

Geneva, NY

Sounds pretty awesome to me. Looks like all data transfer is via SD? That USB is power only?


Yep, you have to pop out the sd card to transfer stuff. USB is charging only. Sounds like they're exploring enabling it for data transfer.


Just thought I'd post here to say that I've got a handful of these available if anyone is interested. $40 and comes with an 8GB SD card preflashed with the custom firmware and piggy tracker. If you're interested just email


Im down for one! Will let yall what i think when i get mine!

SF Bay Area, California

Hey catskull. Thanks for posting this. I've just ordered the Pocket Go 2 and with hopes of running LGPT on it in the future. Looks like gameblabla may make an RG350 port of LGPT soon, which should hopefully run on the Pocket Go 2 as well, since it's supposed to be binary compatible with RG350 (both have the same processor, the JZ4770).

Last edited by cd (Jan 17, 2020 7:14 am)


Realized I never posted actually how to set it up and have gotten a few questions. Probably the best place to go is the Piggy Tracker facebook group:

But honestly I hate Facebook so I'm copy pasting instructions posted there:
1. Download stable and experimental dingoo builds from the official website
2. Replace the stable .dge file with the experimental .dge file. This converts your folder to an experimental dingoo build.
3. Download the bitboy patch file from … er/pull/10 and simply place it in your folder
4. Put this folder onto your SD card (you can literally just paste it into the "main" partition of your bitboy SD card.
5. Launch the console and go to the apps page and press select while any app is highlighted.
6. Press create a link
7. Select the bitboy file inside your piggy tracker folder
8. Enjoy!

Regarding midi output, I have so far been unsuccessful at that. On the RS-97 I modded the unfunctional GBA link port to connect to an internal UART, and got serial data out but never got LGPT midi to send anything on that port. On the pocket go I modded the AV out to connect to an internal UART (thinking you could use a TRS MIDI adapter) and the story is the same. Got serial data but the serial port just dies as soon as piggy starts sending anything on it.

I've paid the dev out of my own pocket to make these ports, but that dev doesn't seem to be super interested in doing much else with it, even for money. If someone wants to continue work on piggy I'm happy to pay bounties. Specifically what I want is:
- MIDI out on a modern handheld. This could be the pocket go, or any of the other ones. Some of the new ones have USB host so even if you just plugged in a USB MIDI interface to the handheld, that would work. Prime candidates are Pocket Go because it's so cheap, RG350 because it has USB host, or even the ODROID Go Advance because it runs straight up Ubuntu and has a full size USB port.
- 64bit support
- Nintendo Switch port because homebrew is easy on switch and there's an SDL port for it
- Android/iOS ports, bonus points for MIDI as well
- Maybe even a web port straight up? There's web MIDI now and you can compile C++ to JS so maybe that would work??
- Any other features you think would be cool

The only thing I ask it to contact me before you start working on it so we can agree on a bounty price and to make sure someone else isn't already working on it (I'd hate for two people to do the same thing).

I don't really get anything out of this other than my own personal satisfaction because I think Piggy is rad and the lack of modern portable options really limits adoption. It's been super cool to see more and more people pick up Pocket Gos and make some tunes with it!

I was also talking to herr_prof who suggested possibly just an LGPTv2 which might be a complete re-write. That might be easier than maintaining all the old device ports, I know that's a concern mdashdotdashn has with merging these pull requests into the master branch.


Hey catskull, just saying I'd also be willing to donate funds to see someone further development. Piggy is super cool because it combines the super fast workflow of LSDJ with capabilities of modern trackers. If someone were to pick up the project, I'd definitely be willing to donate to some sort of patreon subscription of some kind.
Not even asking anyone specific, but just throwing this out there: I wonder if piggy could be ported as a VST, similar to how LSDJ was via the retroplug VST
I know absolutely nothing about coding, but I wonder if piggy could be wrapped the same way sameboy was to work in a DAW.

Last edited by fraglimit (Jun 6, 2020 11:52 pm)

Milwaukee, WI

I love piggy. But, if I'm being honest, once trash80's M8 tracker comes out I think it will totally replace the pig for me.


Do we have any idea when M8 is supposed to come out? Look forward to trying it. I wonder if it would be possible to port it to handheld consoles

Theta_Frost wrote:

I love piggy. But, if I'm being honest, once trash80's M8 tracker comes out I think it will totally replace the pig for me.

I actually completely agree with this! M8 is so powerful, and with the software being open source I don't even think we've seen the true limit of the hardware yet. Anyone even casually interested in piggy should pick one up as soon as they can.

fraglimit wrote:

Do we have any idea when M8 is supposed to come out? Look forward to trying it. I wonder if it would be possible to port it to handheld consoles

In my view, the hardware of M8 is equally (or possibly more) important than the software, There's been talk of a PC port or something, but I wouldn't hold my breath since trash80 has been heads down on the native hardware. He's working on the initial batch of 100 units right now. The best way to stay updated is to subscribe to his patreon. Updates are frequent and substantive:


I'd personally love to see a LGPT V2 even though I'm very interested in the M8 too.
I guess the M8 will be ported to other platforms eventually, but I already have several units that run LGPT quite well and I see no reason to retire the good old LGPT just because something more shiny comes along. smile


As much as i like dedicated devices like the M8 or the NerdSeq devices. They are looking to be $300&up...Ouch.

I'd like something cheaper but still decently well made. The upcoming ambernic RG351p would be a nice one. Decently well made and a clone of the Odroid pro advance, plus half the cost of the M8. I think it might have wifi which maybe someone could implement Ableton link to sync multiple devices and other gear.  Plus I'm pretty sure it's debian-based like the OGA.

Otherwise I'd like a specifically Android version with a better interface than using the psp emulator. Also maybe to use something like the retroid pocket 2,which definitely has wifi.

Another cool idea on the dual analog stick handhelds would be to have the dpad always navigate through the different pages.The left analog stick could navigate around the list and the right analog stick would increase/decrease value with up or down and left or right could change the effect or for notes change the instrument number.

Last edited by Dorian James (Sep 18, 2020 8:14 am)


The only way something would be cheaper AND well made would be if someone huge was making it like a Korg or Behringer. I think your options will always be between cheap and affordable, or expensive and boutqiue


quick reminder that piggy is OPEN SOURCE big_smile