
thats a big reason too! The social networks have defo drank the milkshakes of enthusiast forums.

Nomad's Land
Saskrotch wrote:

Honestly I've heard a lot of people are turned away from cm.o by sort of an "old-head gatekeeper" vibe from a lot of members, so I stopped posting to try to help with that.

edit: Also just deleted a four year old post with a homophobic slur and a mod quoting it and saying "careful" instead of deleting it, so I totally get why people don't feel super welcome here

Well, that "old-head" thing has been thrown around since the early days of cmo. I never really got it, thb. Maybe I'm part of the problem? I don't think so. I might be an old-head now, but I certainly wasn't when I joined the forum.

Ironically one thing that I believe enforced that notion was when cmo started to take a tough stance on homophobia and such (which I was super happy about back then and still am). Remember, that was way before CoCs and such became a thing. Using "gay" in a derogatory sense was commonplace back then, especially among younger folks.

Anyway, the ship has definitely sailed, I'm afraid. Forums are simply not a thing that folks in their late teens/early 20s use nowadays. It's just seen as an akward and obsolete form of communication. Basically forums are the new mailing lists yikes Sad, yes, but that's how it goes.

Other than that, well, maybe not using Flash players in 2020 might help.



Last edited by Feryl (Feb 19, 2024 9:06 pm)

Abandoned on Fire
Feryl wrote:

What gatekeeping?

Also, aside from background music in children's TV shows and game soundtracks, chipmusic has essentially gone back underground. The difference between the 8BC in its heyday and this place now is immense. I've been writing chipmusic for 12 years. It's not popular anymore, but that doesn't mean the music itself has to suffer.


eh, nvm

Last edited by litch (Oct 23, 2020 5:35 pm)


Its hard to fathom, but gatekeeping can happen through passive inaction as well as actively being mean. Having a monolith that is like THIS IS THE SCENE AND IF YOU ARENT LIKE US YOU CANT BE WITH US can turn people away despite the good intentions of members of a community.


If you go to the corner pub, and its full of straight white dudes and you arent a straight white dude, would you risk drinking there? Even if everyone is acting NICE now, it may not seem like a good place to take a chance otherwise.

herr_prof wrote:

Having a monolith that is like THIS IS THE SCENE AND IF YOU ARENT LIKE US YOU CANT BE WITH US can turn people away despite the good intentions of members of a community.

Is that what cm.o is like?

herr_prof wrote:

If you go to the corner pub, and its full of straight white dudes and you arent a straight white dude, would you risk drinking there? Even if everyone is acting NICE now, it may not seem like a good place to take a chance otherwise.

I would say we're a disparate group of individuals with wildly different backgrounds and preferences. What unites us all is our love for chipmusic.


I think to some people it is! We could always do more to be more welcoming.

Sometimes chipmusic isn't enough of a unifier!

Is this the same Jose?

litch wrote:
Is this the same Jose?

It is!

Abandoned on Fire

Not gonna click, is it still a diy music community?

Edit - nvrmd, it's crowdfunding for a handheld linux pc

Last edited by egr (Jan 15, 2021 1:20 am)

not jophish anymore

i’ve got the entire source for 8bc due to jose recruiting me (a literal child at the time) to help “test” his bleepbloop carts (as well as making me a mod of 8bc and requiring me to answer support emails) and it’s an absolute dumpster fire of php.

been wanting to do something with it for a while (ie port it to a language used since the extinction of dinosaurs) but matt of kitsch bent still owns the domain (lol) which redirects to his website (lol) which itself is completely broken. for some reason that’s really funny to me.

the trademark on “” expired a few years ago (yes, it exists); always thought it would be a fun (and completely fucking stupid) project to get it back online.

Last edited by Jophish (Oct 11, 2021 8:02 am)

Jophish wrote:

i’ve got the entire source for 8bc due to jose recruiting me (a literal child at the time) to help “test” his bleepbloop carts (as well as making me a mod of 8bc and requiring me to answer support emails) and it’s an absolute dumpster fire of php.

been wanting to do something with it for a while (ie port it to a language used since the extinction of dinosaurs) but matt of kitsch bent still owns the domain (lol) which redirects to his website (lol) which itself is completely broken. for some reason that’s really funny to me.

the trademark on “” expired a few years ago (yes, it exists); always thought it would be a fun (and completely fucking stupid) project to get it back online.

hi jophish

Glasgow, Scotland.
Jophish wrote:

i’ve got the entire source for 8bc due to jose recruiting me (a literal child at the time) to help “test” his bleepbloop carts (as well as making me a mod of 8bc and requiring me to answer support emails) and it’s an absolute dumpster fire of php.

been wanting to do something with it for a while (ie port it to a language used since the extinction of dinosaurs) but matt of kitsch bent still owns the domain (lol) which redirects to his website (lol) which itself is completely broken. for some reason that’s really funny to me.

the trademark on “” expired a few years ago (yes, it exists); always thought it would be a fun (and completely fucking stupid) project to get it back online.

I always remembered rather than I toyed with the idea of setting something up as well (another former mod here), but realistically if CMO isn't even active, then there wouldn't be much point.

Feryl wrote:

What gatekeeping?

Also, aside from background music in children's TV shows and game soundtracks, chipmusic has essentially gone back underground. The difference between the 8BC in its heyday and this place now is immense. I've been writing chipmusic for 12 years. It's not popular anymore, but that doesn't mean the music itself has to suffer.

hey, I hugely agree with this. also, was your name always feryl?

Jophish wrote:

i’ve got the entire source for 8bc due to jose recruiting me (a literal child at the time) to help “test” his bleepbloop carts (as well as making me a mod of 8bc and requiring me to answer support emails) and it’s an absolute dumpster fire of php.

been wanting to do something with it for a while (ie port it to a language used since the extinction of dinosaurs) but matt of kitsch bent still owns the domain (lol) which redirects to his website (lol) which itself is completely broken. for some reason that’s really funny to me.

the trademark on “” expired a few years ago (yes, it exists); always thought it would be a fun (and completely fucking stupid) project to get it back online.

this is bloody hilarious. also, by source you mean the code, right? not like a back-up of all the songs etc on it....that'd be way too much data for one person, no?