As soon as I saw this i was like wait...are they talking about binaural beats? i mean, i've never heard of anyone TRIPPING on those, but I was aware of their supposed effects on different brainwaves. I've tried before and felt a bit more relaxed, but it could have been the same thing as listening to white noise. Who knows.
This article makes it sound like some dumbass packaged the idea of binaural beats with HIP COOL DRUG-RELATED NAMES to sell it to impressionable youth, and when the parents found out, they over-reacted.
This article makes it sound like some dumbass packaged the idea of binaural beats with HIP COOL DRUG-RELATED NAMES to sell it to impressionable youth, and when the parents found out, they over-reacted.
It's not an overreaction. If impressionable youth are trying to experience the effects of crack, lsd, or some other drug, even in some synthetic form, then that shows that they have a desire to do drugs, and there's a chance they might try the real thing when they don't get what they are looking for with alternatives. It's a good reason to be alarmed and I don't see why everyone is laughing at the parents for worrying about their kids. It's not like they know about these things.
I plan on trying to convince my son to try some of these. Especially the "gates of hades". Anyway I doubt he will ever do real crack even tho I want to do fake crack with him just so we can say we did it together. He is 11. He gets a kick out of saying I'm addicted to lsdj.
Last edited by stickman6 (Jul 15, 2010 10:36 pm)
Stickman, I don't know you so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you are joking.
The only people I know that do these things are people who do drugs anyway.
It's not an overreaction. If impressionable youth are trying to experience the effects of crack, lsd, or some other drug, even in some synthetic form, then that shows that they have a desire to do drugs, and there's a chance they might try the real thing when they don't get what they are looking for with alternatives. It's a good reason to be alarmed and I don't see why everyone is laughing at the parents for worrying about their kids. It's not like they know about these things.
Haha, great troll man.
Isn't that the plot of Toaru Kagaku no Railgun?
Anyways, you can do cool shit with sound. … infrasound
Stickman, I don't know you so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you are joking.
The only people I know that do these things are people who do drugs anyway.
Alex and I tried a few I-Dosers simultaneously over Skype a few weeks ago, and they worked a little bit for him and not at all for me. I am the only one out of the two of us who has ever used drugs before.
Okay then:
The only people I know that do these things are people who do drugs anyway and Alex.
I do think there is validity in them though. I don't know about feeling like lsd or whatever, but I went to a show and after 20 minutes I had to step outside for a bit. The music had me feeling uncomfortable and weird.
Where's the heavy stuff? I want music that causes me to rip my skin off and jump out the window.
Heh, saw something about "digital drugs" on reddit today. I listened to most of that Gate of Hades song or whatever, it just kinda got on my nerves and started to give me a headache. It seems like bullshit, but music does have some effects on the brain. I don't really think you can get high from listening to a tone, though.
Im kinda curious how people with synesthesia would respond to this sort of thing. Maybe they're more affected by it or something.
Someone needs to take these impressionable youngsters to a Lazerbeat show.
Stickman, I don't know you so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you are joking.
The only people I know that do these things are people who do drugs anyway.
No I am not joking. He has grown up around me doing all kinds of strange things with noise. He was around when I messing with sbagen and other binaural beat stuff a few years back; so he understands the "science" behind the percieved effects and what not. We have circuitbent together, and he will inherit my synths/samplers when he gets older. He already has free run of my rm1x. He has this thing called a "sense of humor" too. And no I am not on drugs, but I have done them somehat extensively when I was young. Maybe thats why I am open and honest about serious issues like drugs with my son. He knows that crack is bad. But he also knows that "digital crack" is just funny. We connect through humor and video games. He loves my flash carts and all our old consoles and loves to wax sarcastic about stuff people take way too seriously. He will most likely read this and laugh at you.
The mistake was mine.
There was a disconnect from the topic in my mind and I didn't know what 'fake crack' you could be referring to.
Forgetting I-Dosers and such, it just sounds twisted.
Remembering them, that's actually kinda cool.
Last edited by koze (Jul 16, 2010 8:03 am)
Hah! I guess the parents have some reason to be concerned, since the bottom of the website is selling "Hydro, Skunk, Rasta, Krypto, and Bubble Legal Bud at Dealer Cost". They should be far more concerned that their children are spending REAL MONEY (looks like up to $200 here) on detuned sine waves in an attempt to get "high", though. It's all very amusing, and I have no doubt that it does absolutely nothing.
Last edited by ant1 (Jul 16, 2010 10:01 am)
Validity as in giving you the feeling of a string being pulled from your head which would mean it does do something.
'I feel kind of stupid now replying to this thread, peace.'
haha, indirect shot at everyone in here.