
You should've said the sound was made using magic.

But I loled at the over 9000 joke.

Last edited by Subway Sonicbeat (Jul 18, 2010 2:01 am)

Chicago, IL USA

If me and 8bit weapon can't snuggle and watch Glenn Beck someday, why the hell am I making chip music?

The City Of Angels

Same ol' same ol'.

Electronic music has suffered similar faith time and time again (although, like old Nullsleep muzak: I thought BR1GHT PR1MATE was shitty as well. So I agree. I HAS AN OPINION: calm down).

Anyway, the year is 1979/80, PUNK FRAWK WAS STILL ALL THE RAEG... well, sorta. I guess we were at post punk at this point:

Gary Numan was accept while hated by many.... and those prior to him were even less accepted. Same old arguments were brought up: not authentic. Not earthy enough. NOT REAL etc.

Anyway, I think Crass put it quite well at some point:

"If it's done for entertainment, simply take it as entertainment."

I believe that was a reference to a lot of punk bands at the time, who posed as political activists, but yet were simply musicians yelling out empty promises and false hopes. Just catchy slogans. It had no true value, as many never truly lived by what they stated. I mean, the Sex Pistols w/Anarchy in the UK? srsly? While on a major record label? Come on. Bulldada. It's empty.

If your music holds no political point of view whatsoever, then performing on some shitty show really does not matter (on a personal level), imo...

Now on a scene/community level... it may have different drawbacks. However, since when did you fuckers get all political? Seriously? wtf? Since when has chip music been political. Can someone point that out to me? To me, over the years it looks more like it consist of the old reich (old school chip-hopers, that may or may not have demoscene backgrounds. Which started of mostly out of nostalgia, to some anyway) to teeny-bopper sceneter kids (which mostly consist of the UK kids tongue). It's nothing like punk ever was (although punk itself is a hypocrisy, but that's another time I could bore you with). I have yet to see it emerge as some scene that exchanges political ideas and expression.




Anyway, I'm not sure why people are still taking "8bit" as a revelation.... I mean, Timbaland has been up on that biznatch from here and back as it is already. I mean, come on, Britney too?

I mean Crystal Castles have even taken it full blown... I mean, come on, Toshiba commercials:

That was seen internationally.

Although, while loved by many, you wouldn't believe the amount of hate.... oh right, I forgot what site I was on again xD


Man, sleepy time for me. bai nao.

Last edited by Mono (Jul 19, 2010 9:25 am)

The City Of Angels

Shit, I had to come back. I just found the funniest shit ever. I fucking spat orange juice all over my Mac due to it hahaha. I'm still laughing over it. I just feel it's totally relevant in an irrelevant way:

Can be found on Nullsleep's profile.

I know many of you won't find it funny, but perhaps others will. As I found it fucking hilarious xD

... and come to think of it now, somehow I think it'd end up sounding like BR1GHT PR1MATE haha

...Fine fine. I'll see myself out the door.

Haters gonna hate.


The City Of Angels

Oh forgot to seal the deal, since everyone forgets this little small fact:

Yet the community apparently has no problem with making an account on MySpace, owned by Rupert Murdoch, Chairman and CEO of News Corporation, the owner of Fox News Channel.

If anyone want to truly make a political statement delete your myspace for good. Rather than critique without any real substance behind it and/or action.

Actions speak louder than words.

Here's a start:


Cheers. Let get fucking political!

Milwaukee, WI

Very good points and it's like I've always said: any emphasis on using a GB (or other semi-current international mega-corporation based product) as some sort of anti-(insert whatever here) or artistic statement should just put a nike logo on their album art. Sure Commodore was at the top at one point but they are deader than dead now, and rightfully so. Fuck 'em.

This is just obviously my opinion and I'm not sure I care enough either way but yeah, the music was pretty awful, fox is awful, life in general is awful and this might just be the kick I need to erase all RG related myspace profiles. I'm feelin' rough.

...and drunk.


How about you ban your chipmusic account, its hosted on godaddy and they have sexist ads. and are based in arizona home of retarded immigration policies?

Using a service is different than appearing on arguably the biggest media arm of a huge multinational news corporation, and when you are done patting yourself on the back for a clever correlation, how about you realize that no one was questioning bright primates artistic talent or ability, just whether or not appearing on an entity like fox news is a good thing.

Where you just looking to take a swipe at other chip music artists under the guise of being an edgy amigacorer? People need to stop stressing over slights of evolution that happened on 8bc in 2007, and get back to enjoying the music THEY make without being threatened by the success of others.

Finally any artistic act is a political statement in the fact you are selling an idea, concept or feeling. You can sell love and happiness, or death and despair. Wether the reward you receive is enough, be it cash, popularity or friendships, are something that is up to an artist to decide. I really have nothing more to add about the whole fox news angle (anders pretty much summed it up), but man I hate to see people use whatever multipage post on the forums to bang the drum on their same old boring agenda.

TCTD 4 evar. … s-a-heart/


Last edited by herr_prof (Jul 20, 2010 2:07 am)

Milwaukee, WI

Hey man I wasn't swinging any fists, especially in your direction. It's cool and I agree with a lot of what you said. I was just stating an opinion which we've always had since day one, but that doesn't mean we don't like some GB music (low-bat, new nullsleep) and doesn't mean we feel Amigacore should be an end-all-be-all or feel it's better than everything else. It just is. There is balance.

I think these discussions are healthy. Thin-skin need not apply!

Milwaukee, WI

Having said that, there is a package on the way! I wanted to wait until we got some new swag to send.


The City Of Angels
herr_prof wrote:


Hit it incorrectly dude.

Firstly, I myself wasn't questioning bright primates artistic talent or ability. Nor do I care for it. It's a matter of subjectivity anyway. I simply agreed with those comments/reviews that were posted in regards to Primate's performance being, well, shit. Adding to that, in turn pointing out electronic music in general has suffered similar fate in the past. Nothing more. Thus same ol', same ol'. But thanks for missing the whole point ;)

Secondly, your argument is rather weak in regards to using an online service, which just happens to be an international  global service by default, compared to using a national  television show (or is it local? I forget, I don't own a TV, sorry. ;p Doesn't matter anyway, not the point), who happens to be owned by the same man.

BOTH, are a source of exposure. BOTH are a tool used to communicate. BOTH can be used as tool of entertainment. BOTH can be used politically as well. Simply because they are done on different platforms, does not negate their similar functionality and purpose.

You're simply putting a dark veil over it all and pretending it's not all connected in one form or another. Just to make it seem legit and "OK". It's state of denial.

Lastly: "any artistic act is a political statement"

You are correct in a sense. In another you are not. However, that gets even more complicated. The politics of love (there's various forms of love, guess which one I speak of here) and despair is another subject.

The specifics politics brought up in this thread I will only address, however. Which were in regards to a certain group of people appearing on TV show, who just so happens to be on FOX (who just so happen to have a reputation for being an awful network, but the show itself, to my knowledge is simply an entertainment show). Regardless, Primate's intention was to simply use it as a source of exposure and expression. However, Mr. Sleep (among others, such as yourself I believe) brought up a irrelevant negative connection to that specifically. Yet, on the other side of the coin: he himself (and probably you as well) have used similar tools owned by FOX to do the very same thing Primate's intentions were. Thus it's  very hypocritical to state, as people are doing the very same thing they did. Except on the internet. Just so happens to be a different platform. However, that's trivial, as I said: both function and are used in similar, if not identical, manner in regards to communicating to an audience.

'nuff said.


Last edited by Mono (Jul 20, 2010 4:00 am)




Haters: Making "pure chiptune" since before Bright Primate was even in/heard about the scene.

Bright Primate: on national television


Milwaukee, WI

The *real* question is this: How is this still in the "Upcoming Events" section?


RG wrote:

The *real* question is this: How is this still in the "Upcoming Events" section?



Ciudad de méxico, MX


Last edited by Analog (Jul 20, 2010 4:13 am)


this thread was BOSS


Mono wrote:

Shit, I had to come back. I just found the funniest shit ever. I fucking spat orange juice all over my Mac due to it hahaha. I'm still laughing over it. I just feel it's totally relevant in an irrelevant way:

This was the hate I was a referring too.

Secondly, your argument is rather weak in regards to using an online service, which just happens to be an international  global service by default, compared to using a national  television show (or is it local? I forget, I don't own a TV, sorry. ;p Doesn't matter anyway, not the point), who happens to be owned by the same man.

Dude that was MAH POINT. You cannot reasonably state that using a public service owned by an evil corporation is the same as appearing on said evil corporations most public asset, in a forum that brings the artist questionable rewards, in a manner that directly rewards evil corporation in the form of advertising dollars. I think i personally have as much to fault with go daddy as fox news, so why bother going down that road? Human society is built upon a rich tapestry of hypocrisies, but what the fuck does it have to do with this argument?

Btw: I don't have a myspace band page.

Last edited by herr_prof (Jul 20, 2010 2:00 pm)