herr_prof, true...
a solution to this could be jump into the pattern to pattern, no matter if the song have BLANK patterns. I suppose "you will have to compose" to export songs easly.An example... in LSDJ
00 00 10 30 40 \
01 -- -- -- -- } it jump between blank patters
02 00 10 30 40 <
03 -- -- -- -- } it jump between blank patters
04 00 10 30 40 /
05 00 10 30 40
06 00 10 30 40
07 -- -- -- --
08 -- -- -- --
09 -- -- -- --
10 -- -- -- --
11 -- -- -- -- <<< if the batch/program or whatever find out 5 blank pattern he will just stop the render.Shouldnt be hard to do it i guess, obviously if is possible
Actually I doubt this would work, cause me, for example, don't use this style to compose. Sometimes the rows are in weird order and also sometimes the chains don't match in size with each other. Live mode songs would become weird, I think.