wtf? No one said RALP yet? ......... free downloads there
Nice references. It is very helpful ! Thank you.
My favorites releases are online !
You want a list?
Well it really depends on the style you like.
*goes through iPod*
Anamanaguchi - Sting Operation
Anamanaguchi - Helix Nebula
Anamanaguchi - Dawn Metropolis
BEASTMODE - Gameboy Beats #2
Bit Shifter - Hexadecimal Genome
Bit Shifter - Reformat the Planet
Byzanite - Dead Connection
Byzanite - That Ciggarette Accents Your Eyes
Deadbeatblast - Starscape
Deadbeatblast - Cross Vector
Fighter X - Finisher 3000
Fighter X - Umbra
Fighter X - Arsonist
Fighter X - Little Fighter X
Glomag - Roland and The Lamprey
Glomag - Pocket Calculator
Glomag - DaMaGe
Glomag - Fan Service
Glomag - End of a String
Hellz - Rising Momentum
Henry Homesweet - Simple Pleasures
Henry Homesweet - Pocket Monster
Henry Homesweet - Tragic But Magic
Henry Homesweet - Until I Sleep
Henry Homesweet - Void Sounds / Void Taster
Henry Homesweet - GBA Future Tech
Henry Honesweet - Toaster
Henry Homesweet - Any Lo Bit Bassment
Henry Homesweet - Wonder Girl
Henry Homesweet - DanceFloor64
Henry Homesweet - Okiirobo Navigation System
Henry Honesweet - Dead Disco
Henry Homesweet - Via Arcade
Henry Homesweet - Gasping Between Kisses
Henry Homesweet - Chihiro
J Arthur Keenes - Dispatch
J Arthur Keenes - Umbrella House
J Arthur Keenes - Hairtune
J Arthur Keenes - Colour Television
Joshyy - Dark State
Maru - Insane Youth
Nullsleep - Fearless Flight
Nullsleep - Salvation for a Broken Heart
Nullsleep - On target
Nullsleep - Supernova Kiss
Nullsleep - Destination Tomorrow
Nordloef - Brooklyn Is Brooklyn
Nordloef - Move On
Nordloef - Operation Blackout
Pulse Blast - Dreamtide
Pulse Blast - Difference
Pulse Blast - I Can't Go Back
Pulse Blast - Run
Pulse Blast - StartSelect
Pulse Blast - This Is What You Call Power
Pulse Blast - Ultima Weapon
Pulse Blast - Where Am I
Pulse Blast - Lunar Flare
Pulse Blast - We Share The Same Sky
Pulse Blast - Will You Wake
Random - Micawber's Moan
Random - Spontaneous Devotion
Random - Beautiful Brutality
Random - Sitges Savepoint
Sabrepulse - Nintendokore
Sabrepulse - Tokyo Boy
Sabrepulse - Lightspeed Disco
Sabrepulse - A Girl I know
Shirobon - Broken Heartbleeps
Shirobon - Bully
Shirobon - Celebration
Shirobon - Counter Format
Shirobon - Doki Doki
Shirobon - Epica
Shirobon - Golden Apples
Shirobon - I Am The Hunter
Shirobon - Jenova
Shirobon - Interlude
Shirobon - Levan Polka
Shirobon - Lightspeed Lucy
Shirobon - Luna
Shirobon - Nano No More
Shirobon - Summer Crush
Shirobon - There's Always Hope
Shirobon - Venom
Shirobon - We Lik Brk
Shirobon - Zenith
Shiru - Fase Uno
Shiru - Fase Dos
Shiru - Fase Tres
Starscream - Future, And It Doesn't Work
Starscream - Gravity In Terms Of Space And Time
Starscream - Kepler's Star Catalog
Starscream - Rise Of Space
Starscream - Space Party Anthem
Synthetic Aesthetics - Wobbly as Fuck
Synthetic Aesthetics - Hikari
I forgot to mention it last, but one of my alltime favorite chiptune artist is of course Radix and his best chip (for me) is the cute Paul the penguin!
YES. Go to and get everything by radix, beek, virt, loonie, and rez. Pretty much the inspiration for everything chip I do these days, in addition to the countless video games I played as a youngster.
If I had to pick a favorite track from each if you want a sample:
beek - margarita (it)
beek&virt - fruitbat (it) - AWESOME chord progression, I had to include this one.
virt - lick the alphabet (it)
loonie - battery love (it)
radix... oh god. I love radix so much it's painful to pick just one track. But... I'd have to go with... weather girl (xm). But, listen to everything radix has created. EVERYTHING.
rez - little swedish girl (xm)
...I could go on for hours on just a handful of tracks by these artists, but I'll let them speak for themselves. These guys are gods to me, and if any of you are on this forum (hi rez!) thank you for being awesome.
rez - little swedish girl (xm)
...I could go on for hours on just a handful of tracks by these artists, but I'll let them speak for themselves. These guys are gods to me, and if any of you are on this forum (hi rez!) thank you for being awesome.
Thank a lot ^_^;
I got a surprise for you! An unreleased (and stil unfinished) version
About Huoratron; here's three of his old gameboy-only tracks I've found
If anyone has any more of his gameboy-only stuff, please do upload it!
Holy *@#% this list is huge. WE HAVE CREATED A RESOURCE, GUYS.
Major love Keep it up!
Well, from my perspective people interested in chiptunes should get acquainted with the best Tim Follin's songs (when he was 17) - … f_Time.mp3
also Jason C. Brooke's stuff:
as well as Ben Daglish - … ulator.mp3
Thhese are chiptunes I was fascinated with, in my childchood, and actually I'm also now.
There are more but these ones are the best.
hmm, this is hard, everyone should have a different taste, i mean, chiptune isnt a genre, its style of music. personaly, i would say any Henry Homesweet (i know that might sound cliche, but hey) any shirobon, any Microchip, nearly all Fighter X, and just to represent, Sparkyboy.
Prof. Sakamoto's Insert is seriously amazing, and was just re-released as a part of the Pause catalog.
Here is my top five:
2003 - Bit Shifter - Life's A Bit Shifter
2003 - Covox - Final Mission EP
2005 - 8 Bit Betty - Too Bleep To Blop
2008 - Nullsleep - Unconditional Acceleration (See also: The Gameboy Singles 2002)
2009 - Ebot - 3807
2003 - Neotericz - Great Fun
2003 - Mesu Kasumai - 3 Channel Metropolitan
2008 - Minusbaby - Saudade For Beginners
Maybe already mentioned but Kjell Nordbo's "Larger Than Life" disc is still one of the most astonishing pieces of work ever. Borders on unlistenable at times but mostly it's absolute raw genius woven together by passages of stark emotions.
Edited to add that in my head I'd mixed up tracks from this and "Mad Man's Dream" so I'll say both of these, same comments apply to both pretty much.
Last edited by neilbaldwin (Sep 21, 2010 11:23 pm)