
Litewall + Solid Hearts

Last edited by SurfaceDragon (Aug 16, 2010 8:11 am)


No, unfortunately it's not just a CHR change at the moment. The format is a little odd. I could at least put them in a more normal format so you can hack them with standard NES romhacking tools. I could also extend the shape selection to allow more banks of four shapes. I'll have to take a look at making this more customizable.

BTW, thanks for putting new shapes in. It shows that I need to be sure to release source for things because it does help. smile

Oh yeah, about the shapes, you should avoid having much go in the left two and right three columns. If you run on a NES, anything on those edge columns will have glitches due to the way it generates so many colors. It's OK if a shape has a little sharp corner that pokes in a bit, but try to keep within the box of the standard square shape.

Last edited by blargg (Aug 16, 2010 3:33 am)

NOM STAR wrote:

Not in love with the skulls as much as the DMG's. I like the concept of the skulls, but the design just isn't my taste. I think it's the bottom half that's doing it. Although live, flipping between skulls and DMG's would make for INSANE AWESOME VISUALS.

I'm not too happy with the skull design but it is a good first attempt, right?

I just figured out how to modify Litewall with yy-chr tile editor. It was a really tricky to figure out exactly what to modify at first.

It is difficult to explain the process.

Chicago, IL USA

Def an excellent first attempt, can't wait to see what's to come. Also just saw you're located in Miami, I'm also from Miami!


Litewall + Candlelight

Chicago, IL USA



Litewall + Skulls Version2


Blargg thanks for the tip,

"you should avoid having much go in the left two and right three columns. If you run on a NES, anything on those edge columns will have glitches due to the way it generates so many colors."

- I will keep this in mind.

Also, do you want me to send you an email with my modded version of Litewall?
I would love to see my designs in Litewall Version-X!

Last edited by SurfaceDragon (Aug 16, 2010 9:00 am)

Chicago, IL USA

Better skull looks better. Nice work man.


I'm trying to make a list of shapes I would like to see in Litewall. Do you have any ideas?

There are limitations unfortunately. The image must be monochromatic and it must be smaller than 24x24 pixels. 20x20 would be the ideal size. Images that aren't monochromatic do kinda work just not very well.


Litewall + Ganja Leaves

Chicago, IL USA

I'd like an N an O and an M smile but also the LSDJ lightning bolt would be good.


NOM - I'm guessing you enter NOM as your name for high-scores?

I'm working on putting in M A X shapes in Litewall right now.

But when I'm done with my name I can make a N-O-M-Special-Version for you. You might want to wait until I finish more shapes so you can pick out the other ones you want. You can pick 8 total.

Could I get your email address? So I can send you your N-O-M-Special-Version-Litewall.

Chicago, IL USA

THAT's EFFING AMAZING OF YOU! I was kind of fingers crossed joking when i wrote it, like "No way this will happen." You are the shit!

My email is [email protected] and N-O-M, skull, gameboy, a star (which I think is already on the rom?) is already six. I can't wait to see what else you'll be rolling out but I'll for sure pick two more. YOU ARE AMAZING. 

Thank you x 100000. ALso thank you neil and Blargg for making this amazing program, putting up the source code, and putting in all this time an effort.

Last edited by NOM STAR (Dec 12, 2010 9:21 am)


Litewall + M A X

Chicago, IL USA

looks ballin