I'm for the Hybrid way... it's true that real hardware has its special touch (especially on chips like the 6581 where you can definitely hear the difference between 2 chips) and even if an YM2149 is a simple digital chip, the audio output of an Atari has its amount of dirt not recreated by Emulations
but following the current trend, is the next Years, playing samples off a Sounblaster 128 will add a Vintage touch to them (there are already Plugins playing samples like older 8 and 12 bit samplers like the Mirage and S900... and also remember the Amiga Gabber craze in the the 90s
Now, it's rather easy to integrate true hardware in a modern setup (with stuff like the Midibox Sid, HS4U, Prophet 64 etc) and on the other hand, the accuracy of plugin based emulations has also increased a lot. So I'm also using plugs like Chipsound and Quadrasid (when I'm on the move for example) and unless you are after the real raw sound of hardware, the amount of FXs and treatments put on the audio signal makes it hard to differentiate.
This of course also applies to higher level synths (analogue drum machines and synths etc).. but if playing a bit with real hardware is a lot of fun, you end up sampling your synth lines and loops in your DAW and play them as samples for convenience