Westfield, NJ


Bronx, NY

Best news indeed. It's also the same thing trash80 has said he's been working on for over a year but there were still a million posts asking why we didn't have those things even though, again, probably 90% of trash80's posts on this forum have been him saying that he's working on those things and that they're coming soon. But yes, great news!


if you swap the colours around it could look like 8bc too!


trash80 wrote:

We will have a selection of hand picked tracks on the front page as well, that will be by no means attached to popularity- Quality/Creativity over all else.

That is an excellent idea.

Los Angeles
DaPantz wrote:

Best news indeed. It's also the same thing trash80 has said he's been working on for over a year but there were still a million posts asking why we didn't have those things even though, again, probably 90% of trash80's posts on this forum have been him saying that he's working on those things and that they're coming soon. But yes, great news!

Yeah it's just I do web work for a living so it's the last thing I usually want to do in my free time. My trash80 site also reflects this. If anyone is pretty experianced with js, php (oop- mvc style), svn, and tight mysql, you can pm me if youd like to help. Thanks for understanding.

Bronx, NY

What I was trying to say is that hopefully people can stop bugging you about it so often because you've been working hard on it for quite some time. I'm excited for the updates.