Boulder, CO
10k wrote:


Still 20+ artists and three days.

What I meant was, the capacity is 50,000...

20+ artists and 3 days is quite large still at a 650 capacity venue.

Datapop 3.0 covered 2 days and 17 artists or so, I wonder what the capacity was there.

Also, jefftheworld, I assume you're talking about Nuit Blanche which was a free outdoor event (correct me if I'm wrong). How you can accurately approximate the crowd that came to see the show and not just passersby? I could play in Times Square and say I played for 10,000 people, know what I mean?


exactly what I was thinking

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Well, it's not going to be publicly advertised as that.  It's for getting sponsors (and maybe even official status), I want to be able to (approximately) tell the truth as to it's size, but I still want it to sound impressive to possible venues, sponsors and curators.  Bending the truth and playing things up is important in this world, when it comes to working within the system.

As for the size, it's an estimate, but you could see a clearly defined border of people who were at our show and who were just walking along the street.  We had a large square to ourselves, so it was bordered on three sides.  If I was just counting traffic walking on the street I'd have to make that estimate much, much larger.

Don't get me wrong: really, I'm about playing music.  I'm glad to see a large audience because it means (hopefully) a large audience is enjoying my music and the music I like, and even if they hate it at least they're being exposed to it.  I just love hearing chip music, which is why I don't play shows alone, and I love making chip music.

Edit:  I was also just curious as to how big these other events are.

Last edited by jefftheworld (Jan 21, 2011 7:01 am)

Sydney AUS

Getting sponsors is a really great idea. It helps to change your music to ensure sponsor interest.

Liverpool, UK

Bagsy playing "Chip Music Mega Show 2012: World Ender Edition" AWW YEAHHH

Toronto, Ontario, Canada
abortifacient wrote:

Getting sponsors is a really great idea. It helps to change your music to ensure sponsor interest.

It's only selling out if you do change your music to suit your sponsors.  I'm just trying to help the people who play the show make some money, because it's not a payed show and we just sell CDs and merch.

Sorry if it offends you that people might want to make money doing something they like to do.



Last edited by IAYD (Feb 21, 2017 7:14 am)

New York City

Blip 2007 was the biggest one I think.

But as mentioned before: is this a dick waggling contest?
You should just say it is a unique event of this type in your area, and that it pulled an X number of people before. You don't need to compare, what the fuck is chipmusic anyway? You will receive a blank stare at the mention of it.

Sponsors care about NUMBERS, so just give them that, no comparisons are needed. They need to know what amount of people they can expose to their product/brand. That's all.

Last edited by akira^8GB (Jan 21, 2011 1:55 pm)

Milwaukee, Wisconsin USA
akira^8GB wrote:

Blip 2007 was the biggest one I think.

But as mentioned before: is this a dick waggling contest?
You should just say it is a unique event of this type in your area, and that it pulled an X number of people before. You don't need to compare, what the fuck is chipmusic anyway? You will receive a blank stare at the mention of it.

Sponsors care about NUMBERS, so just give them that, no comparisons are needed. They need to know what amount of people they can expose to their product/brand. That's all.

2007 changed my life for ever.. first time i'd ever seen people crowd surfing to chip music.. it was where the "rush the stage and lift up the artist playing" got started. hahaha.. oh what fun time we had.
it was a huge room... packed from front to back.. i stood on a chair behind the 8bc table w/ my video camera during most of it.. shit was crazy awesome!!!

Last edited by low-gain (Jan 21, 2011 2:09 pm)


that sounds amazing


You should just book ll the fattest chip musicians.

Milwaukee, Wisconsin USA
herr_prof wrote:

You should just book ll the fattest chip musicians.

Sweet! I'm on the bill!

Tacoma WA

so chip shows are pissing matches now?

anyway why would a potential sponsor care if its the biggest event if all the other events are in cities that they have no market in?

unless you are going for some multinational company they are not going to give a shit that some music they have never heard of is played in NYC and Berlin.  talk about the numbers you have pulled in the past and what you expect to happen this year.  they want bang for their buck.

low-gain wrote:
herr_prof wrote:

You should just book ll the fattest chip musicians.

Sweet! I'm on the bill!

Yea I was doing a bit of shameless self promotion myself..

edit: typo

Last edited by herr_prof (Jan 21, 2011 6:42 pm)

Westfield, NJ
infradead wrote:

so chip shows are pissing matches now?

The responses on this thread are a bit much. Relax. Just let the guy organize his chip show.

The Bronx

Deez nutz.