;_; oh come on! deadline is in 4 hours and there's only 1 submission? pick up the pace, ladies!
So wait...did I just win due to default? I'm not really sure how to feel about that one...
Jredd won by default. Maybe we'll get a better turn out when #5 starts next week.
Jredd won by default. Maybe we'll get a better turn out when #5 starts next week.
I'll ACTUALLY participate in the next one. As far as getting more people in on it... I MAY be able to help.
Rad...I may be participating as well. The killer song I'm currently working on didn't at ALL fit the last competition (which I'm planning to enter in the Controller Throw competition), but once that's done I'll be back!
Count me in next week as well, and I think I got a few people interested too . I am not quite sure if I can get them to enter but I'll try!
I happened to catch Rushjet1 online. I invited him to join us, I hope he will but it's hard to say. Either way, know that I am trying to get more people interested . I've also been trying to get Groovemaster303 on board. Just as long as nobody wins by default this time I'll consider it an improvement.
it's nice to see you guys trying to get more people into this. I really don't stay in contact with more than a couple people so I'm not much help when it comes to this. I just hope for people to click around on here and find this thread.
I think this anonymous thing is very interesting (they should do it on the 8bc main page too lol). I sure want to participate in this, either as the fake-alogue DS-10 Dominator or under my fake-bit moniker Diskette Deluxe. Hit me up with the details.
Last edited by DS-10 Dominator (Apr 5, 2011 6:24 pm)
Do whatever you please! You just have to sign up for solidcomposer. The moniker doesn't really matter much, but I'd go with whatever your username on here is, just so I know who's who.
Alrighty, signed up as Diskette Deluxe on chipmusic and solidcomposer.
The more the merrier. Should have some time this coming week to work on a song so don't expect another freebie Jredd
I don't want another freebie, I want participation. I'll get started on this one soon