Los Angeles
akira^8GB wrote:

I posted a comment , system said it was added, but it's nowhere to be seen.

Can you reduplicate and what are the steps to repeat?


New York City

I wrote the post, I hit submit, it said it was submitted, but nothing appeared. I did nothing weird.
Mac OSX Leopard running Safari 4.0.4

Los Angeles
akira^8GB wrote:

I wrote the post, I hit submit, it said it was submitted, but nothing appeared. I did nothing weird.
Mac OSX Leopard running Safari 4.0.4

do remember what you said or if there were special characters? Thats usually the cause, the point of failure for the ajax call.

Los Angeles

Was able to reduplicate. I changed some things around 6:30 PM PST last night. Investigating.

Los Angeles

Should be ok now.

New York City

I don't remember any special characters, but I i'll try again. Sorry, for the next time I will be remembering more info!

New York City

Now I posted here: … /lsdubstep
and my comment shows no carriage returns, even though I pressed ENTER.

Now I have to insert BBCode or HTML to get a return character? It didn't happen before.
Can we also edit our comments (like, up to 2 minutes after we posted them)