

Neo Jersey

hmm this one is right up my alley heh. unfortunately not a lot of time left, but i'll see what i can do.

Chepachet, Rhode Island

We're on the voting stage right now.  You'll have to wait for the next one.  You can still vote however!

Neo Jersey

fuck.. i thought that was deadline to submit not vote. i really wish you hadn't told me that haha.i was on a roll. i tend to work best under pressure. now i'll prob never finish it lol.


Ha, now you are a guy who I would love to see enter this compo HPizzle. I hope you do get motivated for whatever the next theme will be. I am pretty sure I will participate in this next one too.  I think 2player has got this one in the bag, but either way I had a good time tongue.


BWC#6 is set for launch! Voting is still on for BWC#5.

MAKE SURE TO VOTE VOTE VOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


It would be cool if we could somehow get enough members to work on a soundtrack for an entire fictional game someday. Get a nice story for a game and have different things up for grabs. Like put different people down for different things. Someone does a Title song, someone does a cave level, ice level, forest level, boss music ect. In fact, getting a pixel artist to make a cover for that type of compo would be all kinds of rad too like 2 player mentioned. Of course, that may be a bit too ambitious of an idea for now. But I was thinking about in the future big_smile.

Or, how about this? I was just thinking how even though everyone composes for the same setting the end results come out sounding so different. It would be cool to maybe have an album someday that showcases the best of this compo after it has been going on for a while. Make it a free download with some cool pixel art cover. In fact that could be quite an interesting incentive for winning! If you happen to grab the most votes for a theme, that song could be featured on a collection album entiled "Bi-weekly compo volume 1!" after there have been like 12 compos or something. Have a 12 song album for the work of 6 months of bi-weekly compos complete with cover art, maybe even artist bio's or something? Ha ha ha, I don't know I'm just spewing out random ideas for the future. I mean well, I swear tongue. Long Live BWC!! tongue

Chepachet, Rhode Island

Cool ideas. Honestly I'm sure it would be really easy to get a compolation going after around 12 competitions. I wouldn't mind having one considering I've been here since the start as well as Arlen (obv) and a couple others.

Rhode Island

It would be a nice idea to work on during the voting weeks.


I like that album idea. I'll definitely keep it in mind. :S I don't have a ton of time on my hands so it could be quite a hassle.

I'm also working on starting up other projects here and there as I'm getting bored of what I'm doing musically.

Chepachet, Rhode Island

I thought about creating little competitions as well along the lines of challenges.  I'm a huge fan of limiting myself during my composing since It's a great way to learn.  Unfortunately it may have to be specific to LSDJ as I'm not sure how many other mediums work haha.


- Write a 1 minute tune using only wav and noise
- Write two very different 30 second tunes, then combine/alter them to make a coherent single tune.
- Write a tune without any notes sustaining more than 2 ticks in a phrase.  (would more or less sound like beepola)
- Write 1 minute tune, then swap the PU1 and Noise channel chains/phrases and create a new coherent tune with them.

Another somewhat unrelated challenge could be emulating a specific sound (ex: crackling fire, frog ribbit, certain spoken words, etc.) without the use of Kits.  Would just be a quick like...10 second file to upload and have other hear the combination of channels come together.  Much like the tiger growls and shit from Megaman. 

Doing little challenges like this are almost like playing chess tatics (basically the chess game is started in an already developed board and you have a certain number of moves to checkmate in) and I find it to be fucking fun as hell.

Let me know what you guys think.  I'd be all about starting something like this on the side since it wouldn't take nearly as much time as this current competition.

Rhode Island

Yes. Little challenges would be a ton of fun. Something fun should happen during the cool down week when voting happens

Chepachet, Rhode Island

I'll set that shit up tonight at some point then!

I think it'll start as just lsdj or famitracker for now and we"ll see how it goes from there.


Dude that's such a cool idea...I'm all up for it.


If only I were an LSDJ guy, I just haven't gotten into it somehow.  Something about tracking with a D-pad and buttons drives me crazy. sad. Would famitracker with the famicom disk system channel acting as my "wav" channel be close enough? tongue


Oh, you said famitracker. Right on smile. I might give these things a shot wink