dont know if this might interest you but i wrote and ost for D&D sessions i had in 2009. -fall-2009
dont know if this might interest you but i wrote and ost for D&D sessions i had in 2009. -fall-2009
I definitely dig it and can see how it would fit really well with a D&D session.
That being said,
Get on board with this! I'm pushing for any and all artists who want in, big or small.
Snatch up a mini-theme or suggest your own!
I like this idea
Now where's my chippy?
sent stuff
It's pure gold. Threw an X up for Lava with Cairo Nairo and X for Desert Facility with Mecha Tribe Assault.
Keep 'em coming, guys n' gals!
Awww Fffffff...someone took the ice one . Oh well, my track could work for a future stage as well ( Perhaps under water stage) so I'll grab that. I'm working on something now. Neo Atlantis? *shrugs* Ha ha ha.
I have a couple that I just need to record. Got Friday off so it'll happen then
I've never really tried to do Konami/Capcom style, but I'd like to give it a shot! Is there a preferred length? I read looped twice and fade, but how long should I shoot for?
Sent you a "Future" track with an odd time signature! Check your PM Box .
Sent you a "Future" track with an odd time signature! Check your PM Box
Curse you, Jredd! I was composing the most futuristic track OF ALL TIME! OF ALL TIME!
Or maybe it's more of a "Final Stage" kind of tune.
I'm sure I can re-appropriate it...
I would like to work on a cave theme maybe this can keep me motivated to look at famitracker for more than 10 minutes.
Jredd wrote:Sent you a "Future" track with an odd time signature! Check your PM Box
Curse you, Jredd! I was composing the most futuristic track OF ALL TIME! OF ALL TIME!
Or maybe it's more of a "Final Stage" kind of tune.
I'm sure I can re-appropriate it...
...and it's fan-fucking-tastic. "Future" theme is closed now unless someone literally blows my head off with a track.
And "Cave" X'd
Yo 8-Bit-Rex! Questions:
And, can I just send you a track with no specified theme? Like maybe you can find a place for it?
Last edited by roboctopus (Jun 9, 2011 2:33 am)